
Ghosting: what to do if the other person no longer answers?

Does the contact break off overnight? This is how you should act then

Waiting can be torture

Everything went perfectly with him. The first few weeks and months have developed well and you have hoped for more. But suddenly he no longer answers and only reacts very slowly or not at all to your calls or messages.

Some men (and women!) Have mastered what is known as “ghosting”, that is, the sudden disappearance of the scene. ( Here is a guy speaking about the real reasons for this … ) Here’s what to do if you’re ghosted:

1. Stay strong

The reason ghosting is so painful is that it usually comes out of the blue. Perhaps you have already made plans for the future and imagined in the most beautiful colors what it could become with him. In any case, do not focus on these ideas, but on who you are and what you have achieved so far. Also, don’t ask yourself if you did something wrong. That just gnaws at your confidence and makes you unattractive.

2. Make yourself scarce

Don’t run after him. Hardly anything is less romantic than this behavior. Instead, make sure he has a chance to miss you. Stop texting him or call him. You shouldn’t look for a connection to him on social networks either. Men prefer to hunt than to be hunted. If you hang on the tail of his skirt all the time, he has no chance of it. Just be careful not to pull yourself back completely, so that he gets the idea that there is no point with you anyway.

3. Get on with your life

You make yourself particularly attractive if you move on with your life and are obviously happy. Go away alone for the weekend or longer, meet friends and family and enjoy the time with the people to whom you are really important and who will probably always be important to you. Feel free to post one or the other snapshot of your experiences on Facebook or Instagram or switch your profile photo to a picture of your activities. He can calmly see that you are having fun even without him.

4. Take control

If he gets in touch with you again and suggests a meeting or conversation, you should not accept it immediately. Let him know a few days later if it works. As soon as you speak or see each other, end the conversation or meeting. This will make him feel like there are plenty of other important things in your life besides him.

5. Realize that he’s not worth it

If he does not approach you after all these measures, it is sad, but it cannot be denied that he is simply not the right person for you. By the way, if he does one of these 7 things, he’s the wrong one anyway. Then don’t waste any more time or worry about him. The sooner you get it out of your head, the sooner you will be open to a new acquaintance who is serious about you.


Ghosting: what to do if the other person no longer answers?


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