
Signs That It Is Hard For You To Dismiss The Past From Your Heart

Past From Your Heart

Signs That It Is Hard For You To Dismiss The Past From Your Heart

I wish we knew the future that life has prepared for us, so we would let go easier. Nobody teaches us to say goodbye, even when things go wrong when love fades and you feel like you’re only there out of habit, it hurts because in the end, it’s a part of your story, and who lets go of something that easy? However, there are signs that it is difficult for them to dismiss the past from their hearts and move on. 

How does one manage to let life take its course? Do not punish yourself, let the tears run down your face if necessary, stay awake until you throw out all those thoughts that torment you, and give yourself time to heal, because if you cling to the past it becomes a ghost, in the shadow that interrupts your new steps and in that bitter drink that goes down your throat. 

dismiss the past from your heart 

There are signs of the zodiac that are a cluster of emotions going around, and it is difficult for them to separate one thing from the other. Because their nature is to love, give nobility and see the beautiful side of things. For the same reason, they do not give up easily when they genuinely love, they will fight unstoppably to achieve what they want. Endpoints torment them, they do not accept saying goodbye to the past so easily. 

But make no mistake, the fact that these signs miss someone does not mean that they will continue looking for them, they have dignity, and long ago they learned not to humiliate themselves for anyone. However, deep down in your heart you know that you are not ready to let go yet, you need more time. Above all, for themselves, to give themselves the opportunity to recover their self-esteem and thus start over. Who are they? 


It’s funny, at first glance, Scorpio is the person who makes anyone tremble, as he is one of the most direct signs you will find. Determination is one of his best qualities, and they don’t give their heart to anyone. However, when they do the intensity shows, they love it or they don’t. Because it was hard for them to show their vulnerable side, they don’t want to let go. 


The point that can put Virgo between a rock and a hard place is that they are very analytical, they do not make decisions lightly, and they need to be sure of what they feel. Let’s say they are the perfectionists of love, they don’t like to pretend happiness but do work hard to achieve it. When things go wrong, they get anguished but they recognize when the relationship is not enough. 


Leos were born to be loved, they enjoy affective relationships in which touch is one of the main ingredients: love, hugs, and caresses cannot be missing from their day. So, when they see that the bond begins to cool, the sadness in their eyes can be seen. When they experience a broken heart, they need more time than the rest, they don’t say goodbye overnight. 


Without a doubt, Libra is the most beautiful irony of love, because while it has the ability to overcome painful traumas, it is also difficult for it to say goodbye to love from its heart. They are very fond of keeping information, so when everything ends, her thoughts invade her and she focuses on everything beautiful, so it is difficult for her to let go and start a new life. Somehow, she feels that it is a betrayal. 

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