
What Every Sign Would Love To Say To Their Ex

Love To Say To Their Ex

What Every Sign Would Love To Say To Their Ex

Yes, everything happens for a reason, but also what doesn’t happen is for a reason. Sometimes all the love we have to give to the other is not enough, it is not enough if he does not want to give the same in return. It is difficult to say goodbye to love and most of the time you swallow words that you never say, what you would love to say to your ex. That is not synonymous with wanting to return, it is simply like a necessary therapy to loosen the bond once and for all. This is what each sign would love to say to their ex:


Aries can be very impulsive, but when he makes the decision to close the cycle, he doesn’t go around begging, even if it means fighting his own emotions. The only thing he wants to say to his ex is to thank you very much. Yes, thank you, because since he left, he found the strength to get out of pain and move on. Now, he knows that he is a person of high value and that he does not have to lower his guard with the first one who comes to paint his days with colors. It is impossible for him to keep hate in his heart, for a long time he understood that everything in this life has a reason and the only thing he wishes for you is happiness, but above all that you do not appear again in his days, because without you he is better off. 


It’s ironic… when you were next to Taurus, you didn’t realize how much it brightened up your days and just when you can’t look at it, love arose. Please, do not try to play with his intelligence, he is not here to be anyone’s second-table dish. If you left and didn’t give him the place he deserved in your life, now it’s your turn to face the consequences. He’s not going to change his mind just because you come back with your sad face begging for love. Taurus, just wants the ex to know about him that he will not go back and that his departure was painful, but he understood that the most important thing is to have himself and that as long as his self-esteem is his priority, he will not there is nothing that can bring it down. Sorry, you missed your chance. 


Who knew, after dating a Gemini, your life changed completely? You stop living against the clock and when you least realize boredom has already become part of your days. Gemini, you know how to add that touch of adrenaline to everything. His way of love is unique and it is normal for you to miss him when you are with mediocre lovers. It’s a shame you can’t find his warmth and his passion on other lips, but unfortunately, he can’t help you with that. Gemini, he released you from the moment you decided that he was no longer important in your life. Please, don’t try to pretend nothing’s wrong, because he’ll forgive you, but he won’t forget the reason why it all ended. There are millions more hearts, why stop at a toxic one? 


I know, it’s difficult to realize that no matter how hard you search, no one will love you like Cancer. However, it is more difficult to understand that what once was will no longer return. Cancer can be very sweet, dedicated, and passionate, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to let you see their face all the time. It’s not fair that you try to go in and out of his life as if nothing happened. The best thing you can do is start erasing it from your memory. The only thing he wants to say to his ex is that in his heart there is no remorse, but there is no regret either. Without a doubt, walking away from him was the best decision she could have made. Now, he learned to forgive and get over it thanks to his ex, and he’ll take that lesson with him for the rest of his life. 


You are a leader, intelligent, brave, you are the one who can fall into the depths of sadness and get back up with the same strength. Did you seriously expect to see him defeated? Leo can love with all his soul, but his pride doesn’t allow him to crawl for anyone and the fact that he doesn’t want his ex back isn’t revenge, it’s just that he realized how much he’s worth and how happy he can be. be with your own company. The break caused him to enter a catharsis to which he does not want to return. Leo, the only thing he wants to tell his ex is that he is not going to fall into any vicious circle, he is not there to be loved one day and not the other. That Leo is already in the past, now he makes it clear that whoever wants a place in his life has to earn it. 


Virgo may have a very hard time at first because they are not used to being broken in such a cruel way and then pretending that everything is fine. However, as time progresses, he analyzes the situation deeply and realizes that it was for the best. Sometimes falling in love prevents us from seeing the true side of the coin, but life is giving us the opportunity to get away from the wrong person. Virgo doesn’t need to bill his ex, all the bad things he did will stay with him and he’ll have to deal with karma. Virgo just wants to tell her that by far they are better off and that thanks to his departure he was able to find the best version of himself


With a love and a goodbye, Libra can be torn to pieces when saying goodbye to a love to whom he gave everything, but deep down he has a proud part that prevents him from begging. She knows very well that she does not want to stay next to someone who is available to everyone, she likes exclusivity, but especially peace. Having the peace of mind that that person respects the bond is an inexplicable feeling. That is the reason why she is not going to waste time with love from the past. The only thing she can wish for her ex is that she does well and that she finds someone who fits her convictions because she no longer matches hers at all. So luck, with Libra she already lost any opportunity. 


Do you know what Scorpio realized when their relationship ended? That it is his own reason for starting over. Things may not have turned out the way he wanted, but that’s not enough of a reason to stop believing in love. The only thing that Scorpio wants to tell his ex is that he appreciates the time spent, keeps the good, and lets go of the bad. His emotional intelligence doesn’t allow him to be next to someone who breaks him all the time. He is no longer the same Scorpio who stayed crying, now his dignity, self-esteem, and peace come before anything else. It is not in his essence to beg for leftovers. I’m sorry, but he won’t be back. He doesn’t want you to change or show him anything, he wants you away from his life. 


Fortunately, Sagittarius has many other things to be thankful for in life. He knows that the couple is very important, but he has never been one of those who leaves his world aside to immerse himself in that love. He loves many other people and is not willing to give up his passion for anyone or anything. The moment his ex left, he remembered his individuality, the way in which he has always known how to get ahead without the need for someone else to solve his life. The only thing that Sagittarius would say to his ex is that the days continue to smile at him and he trusts that the right person will arrive. However, he no longer plans to return to someone who caused him so much pain. Definitely, he realized that this is not love. 


Capricorn has power in his walk, it is a sign that does not like to look down on anyone, much less a relationship that did not work out. It’s not that he doesn’t give himself and love deeply, it’s just that he’s prepared to deal with failure, he pushes himself too hard, and losing is not an option. Capricorn, the only thing you would like to say to your ex is that it has not been an excuse to let go of your dreams, on the contrary, you found inspiration in the midst of loneliness and now you know that you want to hold hands with someone who does value everything you It is in your mind and in your heart. There is no point in getting hooked on something that has already happened, now he is focused on his objectives and the last thing he wants is shadows that ruin everything. 


Aquarius has already found the good side of loneliness. Before, he knew how to deal very well with his company, but after sharing so much time with a partner and recovering from his walk, things have become more satisfying than ever. Honestly, Aquarius, has absolutely nothing to say to his ex, that topic is behind him and he has never been given to recycling loves. Once he gets used to the fact that someone is no longer part of his days, it is a sign that he does not want to fall back into the same thing. It does not matter if you are the most patient ex, years can go by and he will not speak to you. Aquarius, is not rude, he has a pacifist’s heart, but he is not left out either. Don’t even think you’re going to play with his feelings at will. 


It’s cynical the way people think they can come into the life of a Pisces and do as they please. Make no mistake, just because he was too sweet when it came to love doesn’t mean you’re going to rock his world and then come back like nothing. Pisces often stays calm, but don’t put their cruel side to the test because it can take your breath away. There are many times when he has inadvertently walked away and that hurt him a lot. He may be understanding and forgive you, but he doesn’t want you back. The only thing he would say to his ex is that he’s sorry things didn’t work out, but he’s not going to stay with someone who brings him constant tears. 

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