
What Your Zodiac Sign Hates

Although “hating” sounds very strong, it reveals a feeling that is more than mania or irritation. Now we are going to tell you what are those things that “we hate” according to our zodiac sign. And we are going to call it hatred to make it clear that it is something that deeply bothers us, alters us, despairs us, does not turn us upside down or kills us slowly. What your zodiac sign hates:


Aries hates people who are slow, who do everything slow, who think slow, act slow, and react slow. Among them we could highlight those people who spend minutes and minutes counting something, while Aries thinks he dies between boredom and feeling a rum rum like an engine that is going to explode. Two more things that put Aries on the brink of a nervous breakdown: narrow-minded people and sending a message, letter, email or whatsapp from which an answer is expected … And not receiving it!


Changes that are too extreme do not like Taurus. We all know that already. And much less the changes that bipolar and indecisive people have. But aside, there are other little things that take Taurus out of his boxes, upset and upset him: people with bad education and bad manners, lack of hygiene, who wear stained and too wrinkled clothes, who waste food, who make silly jokes … and brag about your life on Facebook or Instagram to excess! They could take better care of their image in reality instead of exposing themselves so much on the networks with a false image!


In their busy social life, Geminis are quite annoyed (and the bad vibes can increase by the minute) people who ask them to “lower their voice”, those who do not have a sense of humor, stomach or headaches because of of wine and new shoes and that his feet hurt. At home, what really upsets Geminis is that any of his technological devices break down, or that he drops something and breaks or not knowing where he left the keys or the phone for the last time. Since everything happens on the same day, we are going to see Gemini really upset!


Cancer has the reputation of hating easily and internally, but we are already seeing that each one of us brings out the worst when the right trigger is in front of us. But yes, Cancer has a variety of hatreds, that aside. Starting at the bottom, Cancer hates rooms where it is very hot, losing their sunglasses, and people who have no sense of humor and are unable to laugh at themselves. Leveling up and removing him for minutes are people who criticize too much, those who think they are perfect and those who do not care ANYTHING what Cancer feels.


Leo has two very different types of “hate”: the one he feels because someone who has done nothing, but has transmitted a horrible and bad vibe to him (and in that the lions do not usually fail in the end); and the one who feels for whom YES has done something. The latter takes it fatally and is when someone wants to make you jealous for free. To Leo it seems so out of place, so bad and hurting with all the evil intention in the world that takes it fatally. Just as he hates to go unnoticed, that nobody pays attention to him or that he is not invited to that party or place where he did want to go. Ah, and those who believe that because he is the King of the Jungle he has everything solved and nothing affects him.


It was clear that Virgo is quite annoyed by disorganized people. Apart from those, who take the trophy to the people most detested by Virgo, those people who mount emotional scenes in public, who do not control anything and let out the worst of themselves also have their prize. And they will not be left without mentioning those people who do not return calls or who are not very detailed with others. Virgo “hates” them all.


In the case of Libra , obviously, people who disturb the balance of their world do not leave them indifferent. Nor does he like anything at all rude people, those who seek confrontations, those who are cruel to animals and those who pluck flowers or trample gardens. Without getting it to affect him so much but it does lose up the day, Libra does not like dirt and garbage in general. And little else because Libra hating hating is not hating a lot.


Scorpio hates lies and lying people more than anything in the world. Just like passive people, those who are always negative, nonconformists and those who insist and insist to know their secrets without realizing for a moment that Scorpio does not want to tell anything. Forced Physical abstinence also has its place of honor among the things that Scorpios like least in the world. Luckily Scorpio seeks a quick solution to all his “hatreds”.


Overly clingy people are not to the taste of the Sagittarius . He would not take them on any trip because the torture would be continuous. On these trips, those who complain a lot also drive Sagi crazy. And on trips or whenever, Sagittarius cannot with those people who accuse him of not being responsible with money, who scold him when they are late and who continually ask him to “relax”. Get out of his sight and see how soon he relaxes!


Capricorn hates people who borrow money, if they do it continuously, it is because it gets on their nerves, and if they also have the little shame of not returning it … No comment. Apart from these people, uptight people are not to the taste of Capricorn and already asked, those people who believe themselves more than the rest, or those who always believe they are right or those who have pride in nines and think that They are never wrong … Capri is here for that, ok?


Aquarius has a real mania for people who reproach him for not knowing what he is doing. What will they know! Along with these people, he also does not like those who are disloyal or those who continually contradict him just because Aquarius is controversial and revolutionary. Like they feel the need to provoke him. And to finish, knowing that Aquarius takes limitations very badly, everything that limits him will also be on the honor roll of Aquarian hatreds.


For Pisces , people who laugh too hard make them nervous and uneasy. He also hates cruelty in any of its manifestations and people who blame him for mistakes he made in the past. He also hates selfish people, who only go about their business and those who continually criticize everything. And above all, Pisces hates to feel so many times like he is not in this world. Because it is and suffers everything bad that reality has. And it’s not fair.


What Your Zodiac Sign Hates

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