
What You Want Versus What You Need In A Relationship Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Most of the time, when it comes to being in a relationship, you can know what you want, but you may have no idea what you really need. Sometimes your needs should take precedence over your wants if you are to have a happy, healthy, and fulfilling relationship with your partner.

Now, astrology says that your zodiac sign can hold the key to understanding what you really need from a relationship and your partner. What you want is definitely important, but what you need is sometimes even more important to your happiness. Read on to know more about what you want and what you need in a relationship.

What you want vs. what you need in a relationship

1. Aries (March 20th – April 20th)

What you want

You want to flaunt your partner; You want him to be beautiful, for him to be extravagant, and the fire of passion makes you want him to be passionate too.

What you need

All you need is someone who won’t bore you and who won’t leave you when the seas are rough. A passionate partner will stay passionate about the same thing year after year and you would never like that. A partner who will stay by your side and tolerate your fire is the person you need.

2nd Taurus (April 20th – May 21st)

What you want

Your romantic self wants a partner who will never find weaknesses in you and who is ready to change completely for you.

What you need

But you need to understand that mutual respect is a basic requirement in a relationship and that your partner should be as good and qualified as you are. So that you don’t want him to change or wish to be better than you.

3rd twin (May 21 – June 21)

What you want

You expect too many things from your partner. You want a partner who is smart and funny, and also messy at the same time. You want him to be someone just like you, like you were twins.

What you need

However, you need a partner who is smart, who understands you, and who listens to you. To have a stable relationship, your partner should be a complement to you.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 23)

What you want

Your sensitive heart wants a partner who knows exactly what you want and this is an ideal relationship for you.

What you need

You need someone who will be loyal and honest to you instead of someone who can read your mind. You need someone to help you feel relieved and relaxed so you don’t have to worry about how they’re doing.

5th Leo (July 23rd – August 23rd)

What you want

Of course, you want a partner who strengthens your pride and ego, and who better than your biggest fan? You also want a partner who will increase your level of popularity, someone to show off with.

What you need

But think again, Leo! You need someone who is very loyal and honest; Your partner should help you in your personal development, but he shouldn’t be submissive. You need someone who can tell you straight to your face when you are selfish and who can forgive you and love you at the same time.

6. VIRGIN (August 23rd – September 23rd)

What you want

You want an independent and intelligent partner who is there for you and gives you freedom whenever you need him.

What you need

But if you think hard, you will find that you need someone who values ​​you, someone who makes you feel happy and secure.

7th Libra (September 23rd – October 23rd)

What you want

You want to be a couple that will make other people jealous. They want the two of you to look cute and adorable together. But what use is a trophy partner to you if he cannot understand you?
What you need

In reality, you need a partner who you are most comfortable with when communicating. Your partner should listen to you, understand you, and be made for one another with you so that he still gives you the confidence that you can take on the world together when things get mixed up.

8th SCORPIO (October 23rd – November 22nd)

What you want

Who else but you want power in a relationship? You are looking for a very submissive and passionate partner.

What you need

But these are all just fictional romances. In real life, instead of completely submitting to you, you need a partner who will respect you and be loyal to you.

9th Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 19th)

What you want

You are a free-spirited, commitment-reluctant soul and always stay away from traditional relationships. You want a partner who can be as wild as you are.

What you need

But you need someone who brings stability to your life, who understands your need for space and can be loving and forgiving.

10. Capricorn (December 20th – January 19th)

What you want

You want a partner who is a problem in your work life and who thinks like you because you don’t want to make an effort when it comes to building personal relationships.

What you need

You need someone who can bring imagination into your life and help you get out of your pessimistic shell by showing you the positive things in life.

11. AQUARIUS (January 20th – February 18th)

What you want

You want a little of everything in your partner. What is important to you is freedom in the relationship and you feel like you have to be your own self without feeling attached to anyone else.

What you need

But the reality is that you need someone to give you independence, which is different from freedom. This is where you can do things your own way while having a stable relationship. Your partner should be smart and must be your best friend. You need someone to grow old with and learn with.

12. Pisces (February 18 – March 20)

What you want

You want your life to be a fairy tale and you are looking for creativity in your partner. You always want someone who is the underdog for you to fix.

What you need

But the reality is different. What you need is a partner who is strong enough to fix himself, who never gives up on you, and who brings stability to your life.


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