These Zodiac Signs Hate Christmas Most
The presents have to be bought, the Christmas tree arranged and the guests invited. For some, the contemplative time is somehow not so contemplative. For them, all the hype around Christmas is a real nightmare. It’s no wonder that so many people think of it as a real Grinch.
These zodiac signs love the fact that Christmas is only once a year.
The Scorpio is an absolute workhorse, so he abhors anything that could delay his to-dos. This also applies to the Christmas holidays, because here he is forced to take time off. Instead of spending relaxing hours with the family, the zodiac sign would actually rather work off their to-do list. On the one hand, he always wants to develop further, on the other hand, if he doesn’t do anything, he is all the more stressed afterward. Unfortunately, his fellow human beings also feel this dissatisfaction.
The Libra can also become a Grinch at Christmas. They actually love the holidays, but the stress during the run-up to Christmas is a real test for the thin nerves of this zodiac sign. But most of the time, Libras only cause themselves this stress unnecessarily. This is mainly due to the fact that they love structure and always have a very precise plan. She always wants to do everything perfectly. No wonder she gets into a tizzy at Christmas instead of just enjoying it.
The rather quiet Aries are terrified from the start when they have to push through crowds to do their Christmas shopping. The crowd makes him nervous and stresses him so much that he wants to retreat to his four walls as soon as possible. Well, and if that doesn’t work, it can happen that Aries get really angry. The zodiac sign can even let its fellow human beings feel its bad mood on Christmas Eve. Then it’s time to take cover.