
These zodiac signs get over the ex the fastest

As sad as the end of a relationship is: According to the horoscope, these three zodiac signs have the fewest problems getting over it

Prior to her marriage to Jim Toth, Reese Witherspoon (Aries) was known for jumping from one relationship to the next

A breakup is usually associated with heartbreak and grief. But while some people need months or even years to get over their ex-partner and end the relationship, others manage to quickly draw a line and get over the ex. These include these three zodiac signs:


Aries are true masters at ending things and looking ahead. Even if a separation does not start with himself, the freedom-loving zodiac sign quickly makes friends with the advantages of his new single life and savor it to the fullest. People born in Aries rarely mourn their ex – at most when children are involved.

Read here which zodiac signs are unable to relate


The widespread assumption that this zodiac sign can fall in love and out of love extremely quickly applies to many Gemini. You are quick to rave about someone, but the flaming passion can also subside very quickly and ultimately pass. Regardless of whether twins break up or are abandoned: Most of the time, they only think back to the negative sides of the ex-girlfriend and therefore get over the person extremely quickly.


Aquarius-born wounds also heal quickly. For a while they seem devastated, but before you know it, the zodiac sign will find its way back to its former strength and reflect on what it has to offer. Thanks to its communicative nature, the Luftzeichen also quickly makes new contacts, and it makes its everyday life so varied that there is hardly any time for sentimental moments and heartbreak.


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