



Everyone is afraid. There are people who externalize it more than others, of course, but we ALL have worries or things that we don’t like and that, in a way, scare us … Then, the different fears that each sign of the zodiac should overcome.



Fear of being vulnerable to people who are not what they say they are. Aries, you have a very strong inner power and you have to trust him more. Accept as soon as possible the fact that bad people reproduce like flies. These people will continue to exist, but not because of that, you must become a firm and cold person. Train your heart …


Fear of opening your mind and your heart in a society full of lies and toxic people. Ay Tauro, how difficult it is sometimes you trust, for that reason … You are very scared to be YOU in pure state in front of someone, then end up being very different from what you thought it was … Get over it by taking the first step Taurus, not everyone has to be bad.


Fear of social rejection and the feeling of abandonment. That can break your heart into a thousand pieces, and you know Gemini. There is nothing that makes you more panicked than feeling very lonely, in a room full of people you thought you knew … Get over it by inviting you to have more time alone. Why not start enjoying more moments of independence and loneliness?


Fear of eternal loneliness and the feeling of constant misunderstanding. That nobody understands you, it is logical and you even accept it. Now, that nobody understands you, that nobody wants to do an extra power to understand you and that, to top it all, they give you aside, and already adds many fears to your interior … Get over it by discarding the people of your life that makes you feel this way . Sooner.


Fear of losing or failing. Sounds typical, but it’s what scares you the most right now. You don’t like losing, but you much less like disappointing or disappointing your family. Get over it by training your mind like never Leo. You have to learn to take your life more calmly. Make those challenges more enjoyable, less competitive and if you fail, for another. And so. Add and follow.


Fear of confessing your deepest fears. Hard right? It makes you panic to open your heart completely Virgo. You think that gesture can be your end, because you are always alert so that no one sells or betrays you … Get over it by opening up with someone you trust. It is nothing healthy for you to fight your wars in absolute Virgo solitude. Zero fears for all.


Afraid to express to you how you really are in public. You hate people who use others as personal clowns to make jokes. You hate people who laugh very softly at some crap out of you. You hate being the center of attention for your peculiarities and you can’t really stand people who have to ridicule to be SOMEONE. It pisses you even … Get over it with a lot of self-esteem Be you in every way and give them all Libra.


Fear that others will see you fragile. It cost you yours to have the reputation you have. You know that and because of that, you don’t want anyone to trample on it. Get over it by accepting that you also have to have Scorpio fears. Even the strongest needs a few moments of peace to refuel. You are not god, you are Scorpio and you fail. As everyone.


Fear of extreme abandonment, which you do not expect … Fear of having to accept a loss ahead of time. Afraid to say goodbye without wanting to say it … You are very afraid of the unpredictable, even if you are like that (because you know you are more unpredictable than the weather) is contradictory, but it is the truth. Get over it traveling, being YOU in every way Sagittarius …


Fear of being hurt again. Making the same mistake again … Get over it by wiping out those bad memories once and for all. The bad experiences of the past do not have to repeat Capricorn now … And if they did, what is wrong? You have to learn living Capricorn and living, it fails. Accept it, nothing happens.


Fear of not being able to overcome the fears you have right now. You give MANY turns to your mind Aquarius. Even if you give the feeling of flying and being more in space than on planet earth, you are afraid of many things and DO NOT express everything you should. Get over it by facing each and every one of them. Do not pass the subject, do not let time take them, do not let them reappear …


Fear of infidelity or betrayal. You are very afraid that there are people like that. For you, the commitment of love or friendship is like signing an invisible role in which the word RESPECT never withers. Get over it by giving trust only and exclusively to those who really deserve it. And give the rest Pisces, who does not give you good vibes, to the trash.

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