
20 signs that He is afraid of how much He likes you

1. You catch him staring at you with that look, but only when he thinks you can not see him.

2. After having a meaningful, intimate discussion about your life (including that he has a crush on you right now), he distances himself from you.

3. He always stays to cuddle after sex and to lead intensive conversations in bed, but in the morning he totally freaks out and leaves as soon as possible.

4. He has been seriously injured in the past and keeps repeating how afraid he is of having another heartbeat.

5. He gives so many mixed signals. Mostly one would call him an asshole who is not interested, but your gut feeling says he really likes you.

6. He behaves bizarrely when trying to talk about the future, but considering how he treats you, he does not mean to go anywhere.

7. Whenever you talk about great love or marriage in any form, he feels uncomfortable.

8. He likes to fool around with you and tickle you until he realizes he’s “too cute” and stops immediately.

9. Although he never actually called you his girlfriend, his parents and friends always ask for you and pretend that you are already a part of him.

10. He lets his actions speak for himself. He would never tell you that he misses you or uttered the dreaded L-word, but he does everything in his power to show you how much he likes you.

11. In mute moments where you look at each other in the eye and realize how much you like each other, he becomes nervous and breaks eye contact.

12. Although he has never admitted how much he likes to be, his friends have set you aside to tell you that he is really serious.

13. He claims that he does not want a relationship, even though he behaves as if he were your friend. He does not even look at other women.

14. He does not keep your hand in public, but still, everyone can see that you are together. 

15. He always seems to say something but holds back.

16. He becomes clearly jealous when another man tries to get together with you, but tomorrow he pretends that he does not mind and says that you are free to do anything you want.

17. He often tries to push you away, but then he realizes how much he wants you in his life, and pulls you back to himself.

18. He writes you from morning to night, introduces you to his parents and is generally an amazing guy, but whenever you mention how sweet he is, he plays cool and behaves as if all he did has, no big deal would be.

19. Although he refuses to call you his girlfriend, he invites you to family weddings and parties for his friend because you are the only woman in his life who counts.

20. He tells you that he’s not used to being in relationships and that he’s afraid of how much he likes you.


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