
When The Past Knocks On The Door In September 2023: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Be Particularly Touched

The Past Knocks On The Door

When The Past Knocks On The Door In September 2023: 3 Zodiac Signs Will Be Particularly Touched

The past is knocking on the door of these 3 zodiac signs in September 2023. Is the past knocking at your door in the coming weeks?

A few zodiac signs will have to deal with their past in September 2023, whether they like it or not.

Actually, we should leave the past behind so that we can live in the here and now, but sometimes it just comes into our present and catches up with us.

It’s not always a bad thing when our past catches up with us. Sometimes it brings us something good too. 

For us, it often means that there is still a topic that we have to deal with because we haven’t really finished with it yet.

Or does the universe want to help us learn from our past mistakes and do things right now? The past is knocking at the door of these 3 zodiac signs this month:


Some events from the past may resurface and challenge you. Yet you will be filled with energy and confidence, and you will feel like you can achieve anything. Sometimes you turn to your family and loved ones for support.

It’s important that you address issues that they don’t always agree on, as this can lead to conflict.

The key is to proceed cautiously and independently. Flexibility is the path to your progress, and you are full of activity and determination to achieve your goals.

Be honest with yourself. We all have days when we feel weighed down by a heavy melancholy and don’t know how to deal with it. Sometimes this sadness comes for no reason, but there are also traumas that are difficult to let go of and the accompanying melancholy from the past is difficult to ignore. In such moments we tend to indulge in sadness.

It’s perfectly normal to have days like this when we feel sadder inside than usual. Being sad isn’t easy, and this emotion can come with our conflicting thoughts.

On the one hand, it’s the loveliest month of the year and we feel like we should be happy, full of zest and love.

Yet often when we don’t live up to expectations, we begin to believe that something is wrong with us.

Why don’t I feel joyful in this beautiful time? The reason for this lies in the past that you have to let go of!

It’s important to realize that it’s okay to be sad, even though circumstances may seem different.

Sometimes it takes time to make peace with past experiences and move on from them. Don’t judge yourself if you don’t always live up to expectations.


You have a hard time looking inside yourself because you’re afraid of uncovering buried memories — the kind of memories that might make you realize how much you’ve lied to yourself over the years. But this month you will be confronted with exactly that: The past comes alive again.

You have so many secrets that you must keep deep within you and so far you have been a master at hiding them from the world.

You divert people’s attention away from you to avoid showing what’s really going on inside you.

Still, those burning memories don’t just fade away just because you’ve learned to cast a spell on others. When you are alone with yourself, this state often turns into bitter loneliness and sad memories.

It’s an emotional mess, but you’ve definitely learned to control and suppress your sadness.

That all changes, however, as the cosmos hits you in full force this month, hitting you like an avalanche of bricks.

You try desperately to suppress the sounds of sadness, but you can’t—these memories are persistent and you need to finally acknowledge and share your emotions with others.

There are many fears that accompany these memories and strike terror into your heart. You cannot just ignore or brush away this state because you have walked this path before and overcome your fears. Why is this all happening again?

Now it’s time to take a step back and realize that sadness is a part of life, but it’s not your whole life.

You are not defined by sadness, and while these days can be challenging for you, they will pass – that’s the truth. Hold on, you’ll get through this just fine.


There’s a side to you that you’re reluctant to show others. When sadness overcomes you, you like to retreat to your sanctuary.

It’s okay if you feel sorry for yourself in these moments; you should know that you are not a burden to anyone.

You are aware that this happens from time to time and you know how to deal with it, although it does not make the emotional pain any easier.

Old memories are now surfacing and unsettling your mind as past failures haunt you.

Even though you recognize the difference between the past and the present, the sadness doesn’t just go away. However, you know that you can handle it and that it is only temporary.

It is important to understand that times of deep sadness will pass – that is a certainty. All of us have ups and downs in life, and sometimes the down is sheer sadness. It really isn’t easy being human.

We go through so many emotions and days like this seem even harder than we ever imagined. But remember: it will pass!

In moments of sadness, it is helpful to know that you are not alone. There are people who support you and who understand you.

Take time for yourself to process the emotions and get back into balance. It’s okay if you want to retire, but remember that you won’t stay in that mood forever.

You have the inner strength to overcome this phase as you have in the past. Sadness is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t define your whole existence. Look ahead and remember that there will be better days.

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