You understand that you are with the wrong person when you feel that all he is doing is choking and holding you back instead of adding positives to your life. This person would rather sit on the couch all day and watch the same TV series or the same movie over and over rather than go out for a little adventure. But at the same time, they get jealous or anxious when you want to go out and do things yourself. This relationship instead of bringing him joy and support, he only holds you back.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you feel insecure and jealous, or because your partner is unwilling to reassure you, or because you have a bad relationship and your intuition is over. reports. Everything that person does increases your confidence issues and you can’t help but be jealous of the person they are writing to. This relationship, instead of making you feel loved and secure, makes you feel constantly uncomfortable and borderline.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you feel before you as a false or altered version of yourself. You never feel that you can really relax, but you always feel “active” when you are around. You are constantly under pressure not to be the person who is always alive and energetic in front of others, even in front of your partner. This relationship makes you feel vulnerable and fragile before them, and all it does is wear yourself out.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when they make you feel like you are explaining your feelings or apologizing. Instead of feeling like you can open up and tell them about your worries, anxieties, relationships, etc., they tend to shut up and keep things to themselves (and they want you to do the same. ). Instead of having a relationship where you feel like they understand you better than anyone, you feel more isolated and lonely than ever.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you feel that they are drying you up instead of energizing you. You are such a creative, hardworking and enthusiastic person, so it is very important for you to have a relationship where you feel supported and encouraged. But the person you are with now tends to bring out his more complacent side, allowing you to get away with what you want instead of berating yourself for your strength and challenging yourself when you need to be challenged.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when the relationship only seems to cause anxiety and stress instead of doing the opposite. The best type of relationship for you is one in which everything is clear, there are no games, you are honest with each other and you are with someone who makes you feel relaxed, stable and in place, even when you have no control. But instead of having such a relationship, you’re with someone who makes you feel like you never know where you are and you can’t stop thinking about everything.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you feel that you have to shrink to make them feel comfortable. Instead of being with someone who can follow you, stay with someone who feels obsessed with insecurity and insufficient on the number of friends and activities you have, which forces you to spend more of time trying to change yourself and change yourself.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you continue to close in on yourself and you take care not to keep things inside yourself rather than feeling comfortable enough to share your concerns, your secrets and your deeper insecurities. You do not feel supported by them and not encouraged to pursue your goals and dreams, all they do is make you feel inadequate and alone.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you go through all of your intercourse feeling oppressed and overwhelmed by their pessimistic and negative nature. Instead of feeling able to relax and be your three-dimensional self around them, you feel like you have to compensate for an unnecessary amount of optimism and positivity just for you (and them) getting during the day. And the worst sign that you are with the wrong person is that instead of being enthusiastic about seeing them or being with them, all you hear is strong terror.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you feel that they misunderstand every aspect of you. They do not understand your humour and you have to constantly explain that you are joking. You also want to constantly review many arbitrary and unnecessary dating/relationship expectations just to make it work. Instead of having a relationship that makes you feel understood and fulfilled, you feel constantly tired and frustrated.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you feel completely unable to talk to them about deeper, more emotional things. You already have a difficult character and your instinct leads you to want to stay away and closed. This relationship is therefore only a nightmare for you because you do not feel safe enough to open up and be yourself before them.
You understand that you are with the wrong person when you are with him, you feel more lost, apathetic and isolated. You have a great imagination and a lot of great ideas about where you want to go, but your relationship with this person has fallen into a terrible, monotonous routine. Instead of feeling like your partner as someone who can help you, encourage you and grow with you, you feel like you’re with them makes you more confused, mindless and lost on who you are and where you are. want to go.