
Signs of the zodiac: This is what your ascendant reveals about your love life

You are certainly familiar with your zodiac sign, but do you also know in which ascendant you were born? Because in order to be able to analyze your own personality completely, you also need him. The sign that rose on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth defines your character just as strongly as your zodiac sign. The ascendant can be very exciting, especially for your love life.

If you are wondering how you can determine your ascendant: If you know your place of birth and your time of birth, you can easily have it calculated online.

Ascendant: Aries

You don’t fall in love overnight. But once it has caught you, you love with full passion and open your heart to your partner without ifs or buts. It is only important to you that no boring everyday grind creeps into your relationship, because you will find it difficult to cope with that.

Ascendant: Taurus

You are a real relationship person. Loyalty and honesty are particularly important to you in a partnership. If your partner lies to you, it will be very difficult to forgive him and it will take time before you can trust him 100 percent again. The singing existence is unfortunately not one of your strengths, because you quickly feel lonely and alone.

Ascendant: Gemini

With the Gemini in the ascendant you are more volatile in love. You find it difficult to commit yourself to one person. You prefer to enjoy being single and like to meet many different potential partners at the same time.

Ascendant: Cancer

You are a real swarm of men. With your sweet and playful charisma, you wrap every man around your finger within seconds. If you have found your dream partner, you are a loyal soul and take care of him lovingly.

Ascendant: Leo

If you can overlook a little bit of vanity, you will find a warm and loyal friend. Just be careful not to steal the show from your partner too often. If he’s got a birthday or a promotion, he should be the center of attention, not you.

Ascendant: Virgo

You are full of romance and prefer to decide with your heart rather than your mind. Unfortunately, because of this, you sometimes make very ill-considered decisions that you regret in retrospect. For example, if you decide to move in with your partner, you should really think twice about it beforehand.

Ascendant scales

Even if you always seem balanced on the outside, it looks very different inside. You need a partner who gives you stability and security and who helps you to work on your independence. If you find someone like that, you will distinguish yourself in your relationship through patience and care.

Ascendant: Scorpio

You radiate a mysterious aura that makes you incredibly attractive and has an almost magical effect on others. But if you want to conquer you, you should have a lot of patience, because you take your time and think carefully about whether a relationship is right for you. But once you love, you love it with passion.

Ascendant: Sagittarius

Deep down inside you have long wanted a relationship, but your urge for freedom always throws a spanner in the works. If you get involved with someone, after a short time it will become too tight for you and you will seek more and more space.

Ascendant: Capricorn

Above all, you are characterized by your ambitious and career-oriented personality. Unfortunately, this always gets in your way in love. You need an ambitious, modern partner who understands when you are in the office until 10 p.m. on Saturday.

Ascendant: Aquarius

You have big problems with a partner who is very restrictive and would like to spend every free minute with you. Instead, you’re looking for someone who doesn’t have any problems with the fact that you like to go on vacation alone. Also, your partner should be just as spontaneous as you.

Ascendant: Pisces

You are a real dreamer and are looking for your dream prince. Once you have found him, you put all your passion into the relationship and write romance particularly capitalized. It is easy for you to translate your feelings into words and to read your partner’s every wish from the eyes.

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