She’s The Girl You’ll Regret Leaving

You had this amazing girl by your side. Not only she was beautiful and interesting, but she was also good-hearted.
This girl loved you like nobody had ever done and there is nothing she would not have done for you. For her, you were the only man in the world.
But the most important thing is that she loved you for what you are.
She knew the real you and she loved you, despite all your faults.
She never tried to change you – she accepted you, despite all your bad personality traits. Because she believed in you. She thought you were better than what you showed.
This girl was ready to move the mountains for you.
He was the only person who supported you in every sense of the word. It’s the only one that never left you when everyone had turned their backs on you.
And you knew all that. But instead of appreciating and cherishing it, you treated it like shit.
You took it for granted, thinking that nothing you do would stop her from loving you. You thought she would stay with you forever, whatever you do.
And that’s where you were wrong. One day, she got tired of it. For the first time, she looked at you and she saw your true colors.
She saw all your abuse and all that you did to her. She faced all the pain you had inflicted on her and she decided that was enough.
This girl accepted the hard truth that you would never change, that you would never appreciate all the sacrifices she made, that you will never put her forward, that you will never stop hurting her and that you never know how to treat it properly.
She knew it was time to leave because she finally saw how toxic you were to her. And that’s exactly what she did.
At first, you did not believe it. You were certain that she was threatening you just so that you could regain your senses and you did not take anything seriously.
You thought she would come back in no time.
But after a while, you understand that you will never see her again. And you were scared. But refuse to admit it, even to yourself.
You were still playing this tough guy who had no affection. At the bottom of you, you had the impression of dying without her at your side.
You finally realized how much she loved you and how much she gave you. You realized that you had endured unimaginable pain for years and saw that it was all your fault.
But your pride did not allow you to pursue it. You started to hate yourself for that, but still did not plan to pursue it.
So, you let her go.
And that’s the worst decision you’ve ever made.
Because letting this girl go is something you will regret all your life.
You will seek her in every woman who crosses your path. You will compare it to all these women, but you will never find it. She will always stand out and she will always be different.
Because you know how unique and special it was. You know that no other woman will be up to it.
No other woman will be as smart and beautiful as she is. None of these women will be as kind and understanding as she is.
No other woman will be your best friend and spouse at the same time and no one else will take care of you as if you were a family member. But most importantly, no other woman will ever love you the way she did.
In time, the fact that she was always there for you will be missed, she will miss you as the person who has always supported you and who has never abandoned you.
And you will regret all the tears she shed for you. You will regret all the pain you caused him and all the damage you did to him.
You will regret having let her go. But it will be too late.