
If You Were The Most Special Person For The Signs

Most Special Person

If You Were The Most Special Person For The Signs

What if you were the most special person to him/her? Many times surely you have wondered what would happen if that person let you into their life. When you fall in love, you try to take care of that person as they deserve, you give everything to make them feel special. This is what would happen if you were the most special person for the signs:

If you were the most special person for ARIES

He would give you everything in his power to see you happy, his generosity would have no limits and you would be an idiot if you didn’t know how to take advantage of it. Aries is independent and although he may sometimes become jealous, you would also have your space, a space that he knows is vital and necessary. Aries will give you joy, give life to your life, optimism, and yes, from time to time some drama but so what? The reconciliation after that will be incredible, like everything Aries does… You will learn new things and suddenly you will be surprised by details that you would never imagine. When he wants to, he does it to the death, to the end, with his heart, and despite everything, it’s worth it… Don’t be an idiot and take advantage of what you have.

If you were the most special person for TAURUS

He would share him with you. All. Taurus is used to being independent, and very hermetic with his things, but when you are special in his life, he transforms. He wants you to be half of him and that is why he wants to make you feel part of what is his. Perhaps he will do it little by little because Taurus is not rushing or in a hurry, or perhaps he will jump into the pool and give it to you all at once. When someone enters the life of a Taurus and also means a lot, everything changes. Taurus becomes affectionate, Taurus wants to love, and hearts and the name of that person seems to be drawn on his face. He shows it. A lot. And He will want to do everything with you, and He will let himself go, and He will support you and will be a fundamental pillar in your concerns, and He will carry the weight that you have inside because the most important thing will be to see you happy… What idiot doesn’t want something like that?

If you were the most special person for GEMINI

There would be no moment that you felt neglected. Yes. Maybe a little pushy at times? It may be but when it doesn’t you will miss it. In addition, Geminis are very like that, the same thing eats you one day with love and care that another day is a little more distant so… Take advantage of it! Gemini will brag about you, he will grab your hand and take you to a million places, he will want to plan new things, go out, go in, have a good time, enjoy every minute with you, LIVE! That’s why think about all that it can give you, and take advantage of it a little, give it the same life it gives you, don’t be boring, sometimes Geminis will need you too, and if you’re not at the same level, they’ll end up getting tired of always giving. With Gemini, things work when there is reciprocity. If there is, he will give you everything. Do not forget…

If you were the most special person for CANCER

He will go out of his way for you, that’s for sure. But going out of his way to unsuspected limits… Don’t take advantage of the fact that you know he’ll do anything for you because he’s not stupid either. And he will be able to endure and endure but the day comes when, if he doesn’t feel the same way about you, he will end up saying goodbye. If you are a special person for a crab you have everything you want. Cancer gives and gives, and also, often, even though they should receive more, they don’t, but that’s okay because they don’t care if they love you, they don’t give to receive the same but from there you don’t want to give anything… Cancer puts his life aside to make those close to him happy and love him because that is his true reason for living now… He values ​​the crab because nothing lasts forever.

If you were the most special person for LEO

Everything will be pure passion and pure fire. Maybe you can believe that he is going too fast with everything but Leo is like that, if he feels it, he doesn’t think about it, go ahead, without fear. He will do what he wants to do at all times, he will tell you a thousand times how handsome, how nice you are, and what you’re worth. He will boost your ego, he will make you feel special and every so often he will surprise you with special details that he knows to mean a lot to you… Leo is attentive to you, he listens to you, and above all, he lifts your spirits every time you need them. He would follow you to the end of the world if necessary, he has no problem with that. Treat him well, as he deserves, a lion or a lioness would give his life for the person he loves, so you should value what you have in your hands, and take care of him, take great care of him.

If you were the most special person for VIRGO

It may seem cold at first but later, when he truly surrenders to you, everything will change, and you will become someone for whom he would give anything. Virgo wants to love, he wants to give everything, but he scares him, and despite the fact that you are a very special person and he may love you to death, he will do it very slowly, little by little. And at times you will believe that his heart is frozen, that he lacks passion as if he could not fully trust… But believe me, you are still a special person, and little by little he will open up to you, and when you least expect it he will show you that before anything or a person, you will always go, through the most difficult moments you will see it. When a Virgo cares about you, he may not always tell you with words, but he will tell you with deeds. Lifetime…

If you were the most special person for LIBRA

He will let you know. Libra is polite, everyone should put a Libra in their life. EVERYONE. WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Because yes, because they brighten up the days because they can have many ups and downs but they are sincere and honest, because they give super good advice, because they are incredible, period. Well, when you are special to them, all that is multiplied by ten. Libra will travel with you, they will leave what they have to leave in order to be by your side, they will risk everything that is necessary and if they had to be left with nothing to spend the rest of their life with you, they would. Libra gives everything, but he can also take it away from you in the same way, so be careful how you treat him…

If you were the most special person for SCORPIO

You will feel the most intense passion you have ever experienced. Scorpio’s love is never forgotten, nor how he will treat you, and much more if you are a special person. Scorpio absorbs you, makes you feel part of everything that is theirs, catches you with details, with endless love, with their intelligence, with their impudence… And if you are someone important, they will give anything in their power for you, they will overprotect you from everything that can hurt you, even if sometimes he seems aggressive doing it… He’s afraid that something could happen to you, just that. Scorpio loves too strongly, sometimes it even seems that he is breathless… It will be worth it to be the most special person that Scorpio has by his side. At times it may be difficult but it will be worth it… Scorpio turns his important people into even more important people.

If you were the most special person for SAGITTARIUS

Your world would change. Sagittarius would surrender at your feet, he would shake your hand and go with you to the end of the world if he had to. He is not used to having a special person around, he can have many friends, many people he is fond of, but not that special person. That’s why, when he has her, everything changes. Sagittarius changes. And not even Sagittarius sometimes believes what is happening to him. He will want to travel with you so that you can discover everything together, he will be positive and optimistic, and he will bring out your wildest but also the most tender side. He will bring life to your life, but also moments of relaxation and calm. He will contribute to you and will always be a person who adds and not subtracts. The most important thing is the effort he makes so that everything goes well. You can’t imagine…

If you were the most special person for CAPRICORN

You would know that you are. It is cold, yes, and very much his, his thoughts and feelings are almost impenetrable, come on, nobody knows them unless Capricorn says what he thinks. But when you are the most special person in his life, everything changes. He puts aside his “drier” side and the heat fills his body. And he is meticulous, and he will pay attention to you to the maximum, and he will probably tell you more with actions than with words, but you will always notice that he is there for everything you need, in your sad moments, in your happy moments, when you need to talk. And he will listen to you from the heart, and will give you the best advice in the world, and above all, he will protect you from everything that could harm you. Being the most special person for Capricorn is an honor… Value it!

If you were the most special person for  AQUARIUS

He would give you everything in his power to make you happy. Even, many times, and despite knowing that it is harmful to himself, he gives more than he receives, and it doesn’t cost him, and he doesn’t look further… But you have to be careful because if you don’t keep what you have, Aquarius can take it from you all at once and all at once, and from giving you anything to giving you nothing. But as long as you are the most special person, he will share whatever it is with you, he will bring you closer to his world, a world that does not teach just anyone, he will take care of you and, above all, he will respect you. He will enhance your virtues, always, and will do whatever it takes to leave all your fears behind. A love, a damn love that deep down you know you should take care of as if it were your life…

If you were the most special person for PISCES

You would realize that he feels something special, that he values ​​you, that he cares for you, but in a different way than he treats others. He is shyer with you than with the rest, he wants to express to you what he feels but at the same time, he is afraid to do so. He protects you without you knowing, he does almost everything from behind just because he’s embarrassed sometimes. And no, he doesn’t want to get away from you, he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, he doesn’t want you to be able to forget him. Pisces can’t pretend, he can’t do what he doesn’t feel or stop doing what he feels. You will feel that someone special is always there for you, who will try to make you forget your problems, who will want to see you happy and be able to grow with you… If you were the most special person for Pisces, you would not lack anything… Never.

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