
How To Know If You Feel Something For Your ex According To Their Sign

For most people, if they have fallen in love beautifully and then ended their relationship, it hurts. Hide it more or hide it less. Getting over a breakup is a process that takes time. And it depends on each one what they do to minimize that duel and overcome it as soon as possible. But … How do you know if you have feelings for your ex according to his sign? Find out and learn to cope with this time so that it affects you too much and you can smile again soon.


With how sincere Aries is to everything, it seems like when it comes to showing if you have feelings for your ex, it’s not too clear. You will know that he is lying by all the explanations he gives about what happens and how little he cares about where he is, how or with whom. But Aries gives itself away quite clearly and let’s not kid ourselves, if there is something that Aries cannot hide it is its energy, its intensity, that impetus that it puts on everything. And when he talks about his ex, you can see that there is still a “topic that burns you” because when you pass someone you don’t get so upset. And it is not the case. You will also notice it because it talks about what happened, what that person did to him … the bad, only the bad. And that is conclusive proof that something is not over. But it will, it is often Aries to get what it wants.


With Taurus, if you observe him in his day to day after a breakup, you will see someone who seems calm, does not talk about his ex, not even anecdotes, seems even happy … but he is not. Inside, Taurus will be waiting for everything to be the same again, for that person to come back, for them to be together again… It is hard for him to forget, a lot, a lot. It’s all because when he starts relationships he does it completely convinced that it is forever, and when they are over, his heart aches. And it hurts in self-esteem for having to admit that he had made a mistake when choosing that person, when choosing that relationship so committed. And Taurus refuses, refuses to assume the loss, that he was wrong, that everything is over … it is also true that he will overcome it and when he does it will be forever. Taurus has a lot of determination and what he proposes he achieves,


With Gemini You will have no problem knowing if he has feelings for his ex. If you ask him, he will tell you and he will not lie to you when he tells you that he is okay, and what happens to that person. Because Geminis, when they leave a relationship, feel such a release that the joy will almost be greater than the sadness. But the ruptures do not come suddenly. They are usually wounds that sting, that start small and grow larger, that can become infected … And Geminis will be happy … at first. With the passage of time the hard will come. That will be when you really know if he remembers the other person, more than he would like. When Geminis calm down is when they miss what they had, and there you will see them talking too much about their ex, or on the contrary, not wanting to talk at all. Proof that the wound still stings. And that even if there is no trace outside,


With Cancer You don’t need to ask if you will still have feelings for your ex because you surely WILL. Because of his way of being, very sensitive, and because of how he clings to relationships, when they end, it is normal that they leave a lot of footprint, a lot of emptiness, a lot of pain … The worst thing is when the ex is one of those who leave but they do not leave, and they return, and they leave, and they return … and that for Cancer is a horror. Because you can’t get over the loss of someone who is still there, you can’t move forward because you don’t know from where. The good thing about Cancer is that no matter how sad he is, he believes in love, and his desire for love pushes him to try again, to fall in love again. And he ends up getting it, because that is another of his virtues, that he always gets what he wants. One nail removes another. And when someone else is around, the ex will be just a bad memory,


Leo has so much social life that surely among so many friends it is easy for his ex to be found. The test that gives you away on what you still feel is that you have not deleted that person from your social networks, or avoid going to the places where they went together, or stop going to a celebration of mutual friends. What can happen when Leo still maintains contact with his ex has a double explanation: that he had not really been in love, so he does not care to have some contact, it does not affect him. Or if you do fall in love, still feel, and hope to return. So that contact in the same social circle allows you to have hope. On the other side, if Leo has fallen in love, but the relationship in bad manners, and there is no going back, Leo distances himself and moves away. You will want to fall in love soon and that life goes on.


A Virgo ex let you mark. When he falls in love, he discovers a facet of himself so extraordinary that he will enjoy it like a child and will always be grateful for it. When the breakup comes, depending on how good or bad it was, Virgo will take more distance if it hurts, or stay close if it doesn’t hurt so much. Because you will feel that there is a bond between the two, no matter how small, that will always unite you. How do you know if you have feelings for your ex? Because you have so much relationship that you even keep taking her to friends or family gatherings. Oh Virgo, recognize that you still have something left and you don’t want to break the bond entirely. You recognize that it hurts but the ultimate loss hurts more, right? And that’s why you resist letting go of your partner forever.


Libra can tell that he has not forgotten someone due to his nostalgia for the things they lived together. When you have a partner, Libra, you live everything with great affection. The shared moments catch him, the things they did together, what they laughed or everything they talked about. When everything is over, Libra cannot help thinking about all that, it is as if it is more reassuring and calming to think about beauty, about trips and places, than about the person. The ex or the ex is represented with the worst, with the breakup, and Libra prefers to escape from what makes him feel worse. For the same reason, when someone new appears in his life and starts a relationship, Libra avoids doing the same things and going to the same places that he went with his ex. Partly it is because it does not tarnish your memory and partly because the memories do not stir you inside and you feel that you are taking two steps back in your new life. And she doesn’t even want to be tempted to call him back.


With Scorpio it is difficult to know if you have feelings for your ex because, once your relationship is over, you do everything you can to forget that person, to erase them from your life, nor do you want to mention their name. But that is his penance, that no matter how much he wants and does everything possible, it costs him a lot to overcome the pain for having lost someone he loves. His way of loving is very passionate, he gives himself whole, that is why, when a relationship ends, Scorpio feels that he also loses a part of himself, and that is why he is so wrong. What you can tell that you still feel most is when you find out that the other person has already rebuilt their life. There jealousy can burn you and you can almost take your breath away from the deep drowning. But the famous phrase of the bird that rises from its ashes was invented with Scorpio in mind. And get over it, always get over it,


Sagittarius can be pretty tough when it comes to breakups. He has character, determination and many plans for tapas nostalgia and heartbreak. But when he loses someone, if he was in love, it hurts him and it also hurts him that it hurts. That is why, perhaps, he tries to seem that more is happening than he wants to show. He tries too hard to appear cheerful and happy, which he usually is, but his is already over the top. The point that betrays him (proof that he still feels something) will be that he wants to continue being friends with that person. Do you think that since you are friends with everyone, why can’t you maintain a certain friendship with your ex? That is the excuse that sells. He does not realize that in his case, that friendship hides the need to have that person in his life, but because he still feels something. There is not so much innocence in what Sagittarius tries to sell about that friendship that crosses borders. Share something with that person that you don’t want to lose. And maybe even try to come back at some point. Better not rule out anything because this sign always makes life … happen.


With Capricorn it will be difficult to know what he feels after a breakup. If it is already hermetic in its normal life, it closes even more when the relationship is over. You are going to notice that he crosses a huge line between his ex’s life and his own, and he never crosses that line. Even if there are mutual friends you give them to your ex, you don’t want them. He does not go to common places again, and if it is someone from work, he can even request a transfer. It is his way of putting physical distance to be able to put distance also of heart. You will only notice it if he agrees to talk about it, because there it can break. Capricorn is more sensitive than it seems, which is why it hides its feelings so well, so that they are not visible and someone can trample them. But they have them and they run deep when he falls in love. A lot of.


With Aquarius When someone tells you that their relationship has ended, you will ask yourself: what if I saw them the other day together? And yes, it will be true, because Aquarius values ​​friendship above all else and wants to preserve it beyond a romantic relationship ends. Aquarius is one of the signs that when a relationship ends almost always says: “we can continue to be friends.” So it will be difficult to know if he has feelings for his ex because you can see him hug him if they are in public. Internally, the matter will be different. In addition to pain, which there will be if he has fallen in love, Aquarius will notice that he has not forgotten that person because he does everything possible to help him when he needs it. And he tells her: “call me for whatever and whenever”. If the breakup was terrible and in bad manners, this will be more difficult. But because the other person wants to put distance, because if it is for Aquarius, he could see her daily without any problem. More or less, it may be an exaggeration, but it is that Aquarius processes its breakups very well. Really.


To Pisces shows a lot when you have feelings for your ex because he is romantic, sentimental and nostalgic, and that results in more than a sigh, wet eyes and a tight heart. But in all this there is a part that is sincere – because Pisces feels the breakups a lot – but there is another part of staging – because Pisces is stronger than it wants to show. Thus, after a breakup, we will see Pisces who resume his life, and who feels and suffers, but will be less devastated than many expect. And besides, it won’t take long for him to get back to his old ways. And soon we will see him with another love, if not real, if dreaming of its arrival. He will keep some things of his ex for a long time, photos of the two of them, he will look at the gifts he gave him and he will remember that past. And that’s when you will notice that you still feel something. But when he wants to pass at all he will


How To Know If You Feel Something For Your ex According To Their Sign

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