
How Each Sign Reacts When You Don’t Respond To Its Messages

How Each Sign Reacts When You Don’t Respond To Its Messages

We live in an age where most of us are glued to our mobile phones 24/7. There might be times when we try to disconnect, but then, in the end, we end up looking at all the notifications. Therefore, it is rare that a person takes a long time to respond. Each sign of the Zodiac has a way of acting when he feels that you have left him on reading or that you have done the famous ghosting. Keep reading if you want to know how each sign reacts when you don’t respond to their messages:


When Aries feels that you have left him reading, he gets very frustrated. He is someone who gives everything in her relationship and does not like that they behave like this with him/her. He will be the first to give you your space if you need it and also the first to understand that you will not be glued to the phone all day, but he also wants to hear from you. As long as you leave him reading, little by little, the feelings that he has towards you will fade until they come to nothing. He’ll probably ignore you back so you can see how he’s been feeling all this time. Aries will pretend that he doesn’t care what you do or don’t do because he hates to admit that he actually cares more than he should.


Taurus will pretend that he doesn’t care or that he doesn’t care that you haven’t responded to his messages when in fact it hurts. He will tell you that nothing is happening and that he understands that you have been busy or focused on other things, but that is not the case. He may even tell you that he hadn’t even noticed when he’s probably been aware of when you’ve been ‘online’ and when you haven’t. He will try to convince you that he hasn’t wasted valuable time keeping an eye on you when he has. Do not be fooled by his reactions and if you have really left him on reading and you feel guilty, do not hesitate to apologize.


How does each sign react when you don’t respond to their messages? Gemini doesn’t care if you don’t respond to their messages. He’s too busy with the rest of his social life to investigate whether you’ve left him on reading or not. He probably won’t even notice, unless he cares a lot about you and you’re on his priority list. That’s where things change… Don’t think that he’s going to make a big drama and that he’s going to go crying on the street corners. Gemini is not usually dragged by anyone. His mind will simply start imagining movies and thinking about what he has done wrong so you won’t answer him. He may even feel guilty and punish himself for any foolishness. Be careful, this is only if he cares a lot about you. If not, he will directly move on from the subject.


You are probably imagining the worst of the worst. Cancer, as soon as it realizes that you have not responded to the messages, will begin to analyze the entire conversation word by word to see what it has said wrong. He will analyze every little detail and investigate what could have hurt you. He will not stop wondering if you have been scared by his character or by his way of being. Cancer is worried that you stop responding to their messages without any explanation. That ghosting bothers him a lot, really. He will be in tension until you talk to him/her again.


Leo will be the typical one who does not stop uploading photos indirectly to his social networks. And he will watch whether you have seen them or not. He will do anything to get your attention again, but he will never admit that all this is a strategy to get you to talk to him again. You know how Leo is… he will start sharing things on his networks trying to show you that he is living the best life of his since you don’t respond to his messages. He will make a big drama of all this when in reality it is nonsense, but it bothers Leo very much that they leave him reading. Who do you think you are to ignore his incredible messages?


More than sorry, that Virgo is angry that you are able to ignore their messages. She will have her strategies to investigate if you don’t respond because you’re doing something important or because you just don’t feel like it. Those strategies never fail, so you better explain yourself later and be honest. Actually, Virgo won’t be surprised at all… You think Virgo’s mind is too busy to pay attention to you, but in reality, when you go, he’s already coming back from there. Don’t worry, because Virgo may resent having invested his time in you, but after that ‘read’, he won’t waste a second on you.


Libra will try to send you another message as if he is giving you another chance, but if he sees that you have no intention of replying to him, he will turn the page forever. She will do everything possible so that this conversation does not fall into oblivion, but she is not stupid and she is not going to waste her time on you anymore. If you really want Libra to continue to have you on her contact list, put a little bit on your side and show more interest in him/her. If not, the sooner you expect it, you will realize that she has blocked you or silenced you forever. This is how each sign reacts when you don’t respond to their messages from her and this is how Libra reacts.


Scorpio, as soon as he realizes that you have left him on reading, he will soon tell his friends about it and start throwing damn out of his mouth. Something that Scorpio can’t stand is people who one day show him all their affection and the next day he is unable to respond to a single message. When that happens, he needs to get rid of all the anger he has accumulated inside. He may be reserved for a lot of things, but when something like this happens to him, he needs to vent to someone. The sooner he does better, so he will leave an empty hole in his heart for someone else to fill. If you didn’t know how to take advantage of that opportunity, it will be given to someone else who knows how to take advantage of it.


If you don’t respond to their messages, Sagittarius will give you a taste of your own medicine. He will have no problem leaving you on reading for a couple of days when you design to reply back. Sagittarius will count the time that you have taken to respond and then he/she will multiply it by two. Don’t think that he’s putting on a drama or anything like that either… Sagittarius doesn’t care if you respond or don’t. But this way he makes you see that he doesn’t have all the time in the world to wait for your messages. Although he does not care, Sagittarius is quite impatient.


Capricorn continues with his life when he realizes that you have left him reading. He’s already wasted enough time on you to waste more. When he discovers ghosting, Capricorn, he decides to get on with his life and move on. He is not going to give you more chances than you deserve. When you decide to apologize again or try to pick up the conversation, you will probably find yourself in a great silence. You had a chance and you wasted it so he’s sorry. Capricorn is not going to stay with a person who ignores him when he wants to.


When you don’t respond to their messages, Aquarius probably starts to think that it was their fault. You know, he always has a thousand things in his head and many times he ignores his phone. Aquarius thinks that you are simply upset because he/she has been the one who has been slow to respond. He may even send you a message like ‘sorry for taking so long, but as soon as he realizes that you are completely ignoring him, ciao… Aquarius will pass on you as much as he can and more. He will continue with his things and he will not give you more importance than you have.


As soon as Pisces discovers that you have left him on reading, he will give you the cross and swear that he will never speak to you again. He is very upset that they leave him on reading, that they make illusions about him, and then disappear in such a cruel way. He will promise that he will never get his hopes up again or let anyone play with his heart like that again. But then, as soon as you show the slightest bit of interest again, he’ll change his mind completely. And it is that although he wants to be bad, Pisces cannot. Although you have not behaved at all well with him/her, he has a heart too big to treat you badly.

And this is how each sign reacts when you don’t respond to their messages. You better not leave him reading, if not, there will be consequences…


How Each Sign Reacts When You Don't Respond To Its Messages


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