
Here is the classification of the astrological signs from the most sentimental to the least demonstrative

Here is the classification of the astrological signs from the most sentimental to the least demonstrative

We all have a different way of expressing and loving our love. Gary Chapman’s “The Five Languages ​​of Love” is a wonderful book that reveals five different ways of living and expressing a love that Chapman calls “the languages ​​of love ”.

These 5 languages ​​of love are:

– rewarding words,
– moments of quality,
– gifts,
– services rendered,
– physical touch.

Generally, people give love the way they would like to receive it. Couples can create great intimacy and improve their communication if they understand the language of love of their partner better.

Observation is a way of knowing our love language and that of our partner.

You can notice if he likes to give you verbal compliments and rewarding words to express his love. He can also use physical contact like hugs to express his love.

You can also use the wisdom of astrology to better understand your behaviour and that of your partner, as well as the ways of expressing love.

There are 12 signs of the zodiac and each of these twelve signs represents a stage in the cycle of solar energy.

Each sign falls under one of the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water

Signs of Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Signs of Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Signs of Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Signs of Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Our star sign influences our behaviour, our goals and the way we do things.

Some signs are more emotional and affectionate and show their love through physical contact, others are more logical and practical and show their love through rewarding actions or words.

If you want to know where you are, read the list below for the most sentimental to least demonstrative signs of the zodiac:

1. CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer is a sign of Water and its ruling planet is the Moon.

It is one of the most emotional and affectionate signs. The Cancer woman is intuitive and very attentive to emotions, whether hers or those of others.

She is the one who instinctively knows if you prefer rewarding words or physical contact by observing subtle details such as the frown on your face or a change in intonation in your voice.

She will surprise you with a romantic poem or surprise gifts when you least expect it.

She is ready to show affection in different ways, whether with hugs or tender gestures.

2. FISH (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces is also a sign of Water. It is the most creative and dreamy zodiac sign.

A Pisces woman is very affectionate and romantic. It is she who will cover you with unconditional love, warmth, kindness and who will give you more love than you can receive.

If you are already with a Pisces woman, thank the stars!

3. BALANCE (September 23 – October 22)

Libra is an Air sign. The Libra woman is very affectionate. She wouldn’t want to spend a day without holding your hand.

Even if she can’t physically spend time with you, she will send you short messages to hear from you and send you emojis just to tell you that you miss her.

4. VIRGIN (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo is an Earth sign. It is one of the most meticulous and best-organized signs of the zodiac. She knows how to solve problems.

She expresses her love by helping you and supporting you. If you are with a Virgo woman, she will do everything in her power to ensure that you have an organized life and that you reach your goals.

Even if she doesn’t use many words to express her love, her actions and support are filled with love and concern for you.

5. TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus is also an Earth sign.

It is a very practical, logical and arduous sign, with the right mix of emotions.

They want to offer their loved ones material comfort and affection.

A Taurus woman is the kind of person you can talk to about your work problems and get emotional support.

It is also a very romantic sign that has a very fine sense of aesthetics and beauty. Bulls know how to appreciate the little things in life while seeking material comfort.

If you are with a Taurus woman, prepare to receive affection, in public as in private!

6. SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

The scorpion is a sign of Water. It is one of the most intense signs of the zodiac.

A Scorpion knows how to live a life filled with passion and affection.
It takes a long time for a Scorpion woman to open up, but once she does, prepare to receive a lot of affection.

7. Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries is a sign of Burning Fire. This sign is always looking for new thrills.

An Aries woman is very ambitious and focused and she does not like to get into a flirt without thinking, she is looking for someone with whom she can have real contact.

She does not always show her affection through physical contact, you have to be smart and attentive to see her love, through her jokes, her words, her eye contact and the list is endless.

8. GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini is an Air sign. It is the most social of the signs of the zodiac. They just want to have a good time and party. Gemini is not very good at dropping their guard.

A Gemini woman likes to flirt and have fun until she finds someone worthy of her love.

9. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius is also a sign of Burning Fire.

They are players and travel the world.

A Sagittarius woman will love to flirt with you and get to know you before they fall in love with you.

She will flirt with you until everything is fun, but as soon as you are serious, she will take a step back.

She objects to the engagement and will have no problem finding a solution until she finds the best option for her.

10. LION (July 23 – August 22)

Leo is a sign of Fire. They love the spotlight and want to be in the spotlight all the time.

A Lion woman likes to receive all the attention and be pampered, but she does not know how to feel vulnerable and share her feelings with others.

She does not like to be rejected, so she does not want to get comfortable and look vulnerable.

On the other hand, it can become quite cold and arrogant if everything does not go as planned.

11. CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn is an Earth sign. Earth signs know how to hold their emotions and not get carried away.

A Capricorn woman is also very practical and logical. Even if she has feelings for you, she won’t show them all the time. She will prefer to show her affection in private and will be reserved in public.

She wants the long term, but she is not a demonstrator.

12. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Aquarius is at the end of the spectrum of emotional affection.

Aquarius is the most intellectual and unconventional sign of the zodiac.

They are extraordinary thinkers and revolutionaries.

They do nothing ordinary and it is also valid for their love life.

They are not great sentimentalists, but they will seek a partner as independent as ambitious.

They prefer to focus on their goals and maintain a relationship in which they can help each other to achieve their goals.

If you are with an Aquarius woman, know that she will seem cold and distant. It’s not that she doesn’t like you, but she wants to focus on achieving her goals. She is looking for a partner who is just as focused on what she wants to achieve in life.


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