
As any zodiac sign can know for sure, being with the wrong person


You know you are with the wrong person when you feel like they are just overwhelming and holding you back instead of making your life better.

This person would rather sit on the sofa all day and watch the same program over and over than go on a little adventure with you – even if that “adventure” only consists of walking through the city or lying in the park and to read a book.

But at the same time, when you want to go out and do things on your own, they get jealous or scared.

Instead of this relationship bringing you joy and support, it just holds you back.


You know you are with the wrong person when feelings of insecurity and jealousy overwhelm you.

Either because your partner is unwilling or unable to reassure you, or simply because you are in the wrong relationship and your gut instincts will recognize this in front of you.

All this person does is worsen your trust problems, and you can’t help but keep stressing who they are writing to, why you are not emotionally connected, and why the two of you simply cannot be on the same side.

Instead of this relationship making you feel loved and safe, you feel insecure and nervous all the time.


They know you are with the wrong person when you feel like a fake or edited version of yourself in front of them.

They never feel like you can really relax and instead feel like you always have to be “on” when you are around them.

You feel constantly pressured to be the person who is always spirited, lively, and energetic in front of others and instead of feeling like you can just let go of that pressure and relax when you are with your significant other, instead feel like you need to keep the facade upright.

Instead of this relationship making you feel like you can be vulnerable and fragile in front of the others, it just exhausts you.


They know you are with the wrong person if they make you feel like you need to explain your feelings or apologize for them.

Instead of feeling like you can open up and talk to them about your worries, fears, relationships, etc., they tend to isolate themselves and keep things to themselves (and want you to do the same).

Instead of being in a relationship where you feel like they understand you better than anyone, you feel more isolated and lonely than ever.


They know you are with the wrong person when they feel like they are sucking you out instead of giving you energy.

You are such a creative, hardworking, and enthusiastic person that it is really important to you to be in a relationship where you feel supported, encouraged, and excited.

But the person you’re with now tends to bring out the more complacent side of you and let you get away with whatever you want instead of berating you with your nonsense and challenging you when you need to be challenged.


You know you are with the wrong person when the relationship just seems to bring you constant anxiety and stress instead of doing the opposite.

The best type of relationship for you is one where everything comes out on the table, where there are no games, where you are completely honest with each other, and where you are with someone who makes you feel relaxed and balanced and be okay – even when you are out of control.

But instead of being in such a relationship, you are with someone who makes you feel like you never know where the two of you are and that you can’t stop thinking about every little thing.


They know you are with the wrong person when you feel like you need to make yourself smaller to make them feel more comfortable.

Instead of being with someone who can keep up with you, you are with someone who is compulsively feeling insecure and inadequate.

This leads to the fact that you end up spending more time changing yourself for her, rather than just in a relationship that you enjoy.


You know you are with the wrong person when you continue to withdraw into yourself and fail to hide things from them instead of being comfortable enough to share your deepest worries, secrets, and insecurities with them.

You also feel that they don’t make you feel supported and encouraged to pursue your goals and chase your dreams, but that they just make you feel inadequate and alone.


You know you are with the wrong person when you spend your entire relationship feeling depressed and overwhelmed by their pessimistic, needy, defeatist, and negative nature.

Instead of feeling like you can relax, you feel like you have to overcompensate with an unnecessary amount of optimism and positivity just to get yourself (and her) through the day.

And the worst of all signs that you are with the wrong person is that you are not so happy to see them or be around them as you are just feeling terribly afraid.


They know you are with the wrong person when you feel like they are misunderstanding every single aspect of you

You don’t understand your sense of humor, and you keep explaining that you were joking or being sarcastic.

Instead of being in a relationship where you feel understood and fulfilled, you feel tired and frustrated all the time.


You know you are with the wrong person when you feel completely unable to talk to them about the deeper and more emotional things.

You find it hard enough, and you find it hard to evade the instinct that keeps you from wanting to remain aloof and closed.

So this relationship is just a nightmare for you because you don’t feel safe enough to open up and be your most authentic self in front of them.


They know you are with the wrong person when they only make you feel more lost, listless, and isolated.

You have great imaginations and lots of great ideas about where to go, but your relationship with this person has turned into a terrible, monotonous, and lethargic routine.

Instead of feeling like your partner is someone who can help, encourage you, and grow with you, simply feel that being with them only makes you more confused, mindless, and lost about who you are and where you want to go.


As any zodiac sign can know for sure, being with the wrong person

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