
According to astrologers, these 4 zodiac signs are the most stressful partners in a relationship

According to astrologers, these 4 zodiac signs are the most stressful partners in a relationship

Some people are just very exhausting relationship partners. We all want love and security, but some people are somehow not made for relationships. Because their character can be quite exhausting at times. 

Some zodiac signs that are more capable of relationships show a willingness to compromise, empathy, and have a lot of patience in their partnership. If you don’t have these traits, you should think twice about whether you ever want to date the following 4 zodiac signs.

1. Pisces

Pisces can be very romantic if they want to. You may have found the love of your life today, but the next second you are so plagued by your self-doubt that you believe deep down that you don’t deserve this person. That is why they are usually the ones who end the relationship very quickly and suddenly. At this stage, they just can’t help it. Often you will then hear a Pisces say that this is best for your partner. 

But as soon as the Pisces has survived this little phase of depression, he suddenly realizes that he loves his partner too much to end the relationship. So with a Pisces, you will quickly find yourself in an on-off affair and only very few people can take this rollercoaster of emotions.

But that’s not all: Pisces are very pessimistic and often play the victim card. You always have the feeling of walking on eggshells when you are around them because they take everything so personally. They tend to think too much and make things more complicated and worse than they actually are. This makes it very difficult to solve problems with them in a practical manner.

2. Scorpio

Scorpios believe that they are related to people. But they are also the ones who want to be in charge of a relationship. They want to be in control and are also very prone to jealousy. But on the other hand, a Scorpio likes its space. The worst thing for him is when he is hemmed in by his partner. It is not uncommon for Scorpios to end the relationship then. You then absolutely need time to find yourself again. 

Scorpios also often don’t know what they want. They are also very passionate and have very intense feelings. Your moods and emotions change very quickly. They fluctuate between hot and cold like crazy and it makes them really hard to understand. A Scorpio can be an incredibly stressful partner. He has to mature emotionally first because before that he is simply not ready for a real relationship.

Scorpios may not show it often, but they’re actually totally soft and emotional, almost sensitive. That they keep this hidden makes them difficult to deal with because you just can’t see the emotional outbursts coming. They are also known to be mysterious and don’t let everyone into their hearts. This is why you may shut out your partner and hide your feelings from him.

3. Gemini

The zodiac sign Gemini does not represent two people for anything. Because it is as if there were actually two personalities in this person. On the one hand, the twin wants a relationship that gives him stability, but on the other hand, he wants a lot of freedom, so that his partner almost annoys him. He panics just hearing the word relationship and he changes his mind rapidly. Yesterday he was still totally in love, but today he is suddenly averse and wants to be alone. This is especially the case in the early stages of the relationship. 

Gemini also tends to get bored very quickly, and they constantly need new sparkles of passion in the relationship. They are bored especially when there are too much stability and routine. This makes it very difficult for her and her partner to maintain the relationship. Gemini has a constant need for change and adventure in their relationship.

Geminis have a reputation for being indecisive but also overly emotional. And to a certain extent, this is also true. This can make communicating with a Gemini extremely stressful, but it also means that they can love with all their heart and put all of their trust in what they are feeling. When a Gemini really loves, they’ll go all-in, especially if the relationship has been around for a long time. Absolutely nothing holds him back and he gives himself completely to his partner. It can be affected to be loved so much by someone. 

4. Sagittarius

There is no sign more fleeting, impulsive, and ubiquitous than a Sagittarius. In a way, this makes him a very exciting partner and whoever is with him will never get bored. But on the other hand, it is almost impossible to settle down with him. Sagittarians are always chasing the next thing, the next adventure, the next rush of adrenaline. 

You’re bad at just relaxing. And that’s not very conducive to relationships. A Sagittarius will only feel satisfied when they find someone who not only chases them but runs right next to them. Someone who is also as active as Sagittarius.

Protecting can be a real challenge. They are not easy to be in a relationship with because they take people for granted and are not very helpful in fixing a problem. They tend to get impatient when things don’t go well and try to escape instead of working on their relationship.


According to astrologers, these 4 zodiac signs are the most stressful partners in a relationship

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