
8 seemingly innocent signs that you have a toxic partner

Toxic relationships happen everywhere in all social classes. There are so many who get tangled up in toxic relationships without even realizing it.

Why is that? You must have heard this story before. You probably know the concept of someone staying in a relationship that is so bad for them.

Have you never wondered why that is?

The thing about toxicity is that it is often very subtle and nuanced. Not many people realize that they have toxic partners because toxicity is not always exaggerated, dramatic, or obvious.

It may have some serious and damnable effects. But it is not always so evident in the way it wreaks havoc in people’s lives.

Therefore, you should always be vigilant with the signs that you may be in a toxic relationship yourself. You never know when the person you are in love with is actually the person who is causing you serious emotional and mental damage.

You would never know if you weren’t alert and aware of the many signs you should be looking for.

Remember that love blinds you. Sometimes you can just fall in love with a person too much so that you become blind to the aspects of your personality that you should be aware of.

And that can be very problematic when you’re with a toxic person. Your love blinds you to all the toxicity.

You have to keep a good sense of introspection in your relationship. See it for what it really is. And if your partner is guilty of many of the signs listed here, it is very likely that they are a toxic person and you need to do something about them.

8 seemingly innocent signs that you have a toxic partner

1. You feel so emotionally drained because of the relationship

This is not to say that relationships do not consume energy. But they should never make you feel emotionally drained.

Your relationship should add more positive energy and vitality to your life.

2. Your partner brings out your fears and insecurities

Your partner should never make you feel more insecure and vulnerable than you already do.

You should have someone who loves you so much that you feel much braver and stronger than before.

3. You never get the feeling that you are being heard or being listened to.

In any romantic relationship, it is absolutely important that you get the feeling that you can express yourself however you want.

And if your partner refuses to give you that feeling, it’s a toxic situation.

4. Your partner is never emotionally open to you.

You never really feel like you know your partner on an intimate level. He simply refuses to open up to you to allow you to get to know him better.

5. You are the only one who makes all compromises in the relationship.

A relationship should always have a dynamic give and take. And if you have a partner who just takes while you give, it’s a toxic relationship.

6. Your partner does not make you feel valued.

You never get the feeling of being valued or confirmed for everything you do for your partner and your relationship.

7. Your partner never takes responsibility in the relationship.

Your partner just never seems to take responsibility for any of the mistakes he may make. Somehow, everything that goes wrong in the relationship is always your fault.

8. You feel like you are a worse person because of your relationship.

You feel like you are simply a worse person because of your relationship.

You know that you are not happy and that you deserve better.

Final thoughts

At the end of the day, you always want to think the best of your love and relationship.

You always want to think that things will work. However, things don’t always go the way you want them to. And if that’s the case, you have to be honest with yourself.

When you force things with a toxic partner, you are only causing a lot of disappointment, anger, sadness, and heartache.

It would be much better for you to just leave this relationship completely behind and try someone else or be single for a while. Being alone is much better than being in a toxic relationship.


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