Sagittarius will always put their needs and wants above those of others. If you need them to stay for a while, that is a shame because their travel plans have already been made or they have already decided to reach a certain goal for themselves.
They are very self-centered and are always their first priority. The worst part is that after they break your heart, they won’t understand why you are in so much pain.
Sagittarians aren’t known for their empathy or their ability to see things from someone else’s point of view, so they’ll wonder why you aren’t doing it.
Aquarians don’t even have to break up with you to break your heart. They will flirt with other people right in front of their partners, fully aware of what they are doing, and then in virtually the same breath they will tell you that they love you and never want to leave you again.
When they break up with you, they will do so with a sense of intellectual superiority, as if you can’t understand their big brain’s needs.
If you want revenge on them, try making them end things with you in a public place – emotional displays make them very uncomfortable, and if you start crying and yelling at them, they might not understand. not why you are so angry, but will regret doing it, even if those regrets are not being able to control your outburst.
You’ll never know exactly where you stand with Gemini. For a moment, they shower you with love and flowers; the next, they seem to have completely forgotten about you. You never get a foothold with Gemini.
While it doesn’t come as a total surprise when they break up with you, it will still hurt horribly. You thought they really understood you and never had such deep conversations as the ones they had for you. They’re smart and charming, but they’re also deadly when it comes to your heart.
They are more likely to ghost you and then formally break up with you, which will hurt even more because with the ghost there is always room for a little hope.
Pisces are super sweet when they’re in love with you, but when they’re not, a whole different side comes out. They will hurt you in a variety of ways and then turn around and play the victim role, making you feel bad for berating them.
They won’t admit to any wrongdoing and by the time they’re done with their denial you’ll be in tears wondering if it was really your fault all the time. You will be amazed at how cold and numb Pisces can get.
Once they’ve made you the bad guy in the relationship, you can bet they’ll use it in their art in some way, bringing your grief to life long after the relationship dies.
Leo will break your heart making you feel small and insignificant. Leos should be the center of attention and when they take an interest in you, you will have a place right next to them.
However, when Leo is no longer interested in you, they will simply push you further and further into the background until you feel like your world and theirs are separate entities.
When Leo breaks up with you, it can be a blow to your self-esteem and you can question your worth. Don’t let Leo crush you, you are stronger than that. You wouldn’t have embraced a Leo relationship if you hadn’t had strength and power on your own; you just need to access it.
For a sign that can be so beautiful and wonderful, Taurus can be brutal, cold, and cruel. You think everything is fine when all of a sudden they turn on you.
Taurus can be downright cold in the back, and while we don’t like to speak badly, they certainly seem to be able to access a lot of negativity and evil when they want to do damage.
If they decide they’re done, or you’ve betrayed them in some way, it’s impossible to change your mind. If you think about the amount of determination they use just by being stubborn themselves and translate that into the energy they use during a breakup, you can get a sense of the devastation they create.
Aries fall in love quickly and fall in love even faster. When they’re done with you, you’ll wonder what you did wrong and what triggered the breakup in the first place.
Aries does not dwell on his actions; they’ll dump you and move on, and that’s what will hurt the most: the feeling that they never cared about you in the first place.
Don’t make the mistake of engaging them in a post-breakup discussion, as you will only open yourself up to a lot of harm. When provoked, Aries can be horribly brutal, and they have no problem bringing you down little by little.
“Be true to yourself… and whoever opposes it, go screw them” should be Capricorn’s motto. If your ideas of what a relationship looks like don’t merge with Capricorn’s, they’ll let you down without looking back.
They can be extremely inflexible and are not fond of compromise when applied to their personal lives. It’s not that they are hard-hearted, they’re just terrified of being hurt themselves and would rather dump you before you have a chance to dump them.
Scorpios feel emotions very deeply, and when they finally make a commitment to someone, they fully intend their relationship to last a long time. However, if the Scorpion is injured, it will rampage in a way that does the most damage. They have an instinct for what hurts people, and they know your weaknesses and secret fears, and that’s what they’re going to focus on. If you hurt or betray them, they will focus on various hurtful ways of getting you paid. An injured Scorpio is vicious, so be careful.
Virgo will break your heart by focusing on every little thing you’ve done wrong throughout the relationship and throughout your life. Virgos can be extremely critical, and when their laser-like focus falls on you, they’ll destroy your self-esteem, confidence, and feelings of self-worth.
They think that they are not coming from a painful place, but that they are telling you things that you should know so that in the future you will be a better person and have better relationships. If you can survive a dismantling done by Virgo, you can survive anything.
Libras don’t want to hurt others, so when they do, it’s usually a reaction to the injury. They tend to jump into a relationship too quickly, and when things start to get real, they decide they have to get out. It’s also a sign that prefers ghosting to a face-to-face breakup.
They hate conflict and breaking up with someone can make Libra feel guilty or bad, so they think slowly fading away is the best way to end a relationship. However, ghosting can be the most painful thing, especially when you finally understand that the relationship is over and Libra hasn’t had the courage to tell you in person.
Cancers would do anything better than break someone’s heart. If they hurt someone, they will feel bad about it and will think about it for a long time – it may even keep them from getting into another relationship.
If they break up with you, they will definitely try to stay friends because they would feel bad if you hated them.
The most common reason Cancer breaks up with someone is if their partner doesn’t get along with their family because with Cancer, family always comes first. They can have a new partner but not a new family.