These 3 zodiac signs are particularly attractive

In the week of December 16, three zodiac signs peak. Your horoscope says that they are particularly attractive to others
Attention, attractive!
The full moon energy of December 12th ( astrologer Claudia Hohlweg wrote here, which is changing for all zodiac signs ) continues. Some people feel slowed down by it, others run into top form. The following three zodiac signs have an almost magical appeal in the week of December 16:
Libra born in the zodiac sign has often doubted themselves this year. Regardless of whether it was about your professional success, your family or your love life: Several setbacks shaped the Libra and changed your self-esteem. The energy that the scales feel from mid-December gives them a boost. Suddenly she feels tidy, balanced and visibly comfortable in her skin. Others notice that too – and are amazed at how confident the scale is suddenly.
In mid-December, Aquarius has three strong companions at his side with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus. This has an enormous impact on his charisma: people born in the zodiac sign Aquarius have a permanent smile on their lips, can easily motivate others and cast a spell on their fellow human beings. Maybe there is a big love for 2020 among them?
Speaking of which:
Before the Christmas stress rolls towards him, the ram finds his inner peace again in the week of December 16. He sleeps well, feels balanced and has a calm, positive charisma. That impresses his environment – and everyone would like to spend time with him.