



Aries, one of your greatest zodiac friends is Aquarius. And this year, Jupiter and Saturn are spending most of their time in Aquarius, urging you to head into the new. You will feel the call to reinvent and improvise, especially in your professional life. You heal old wounds personally and professionally, and you dare to embark on new paths. But don’t be too impulsive or impatient, ask your friends for advice before you start. September and October are especially good for your love life, while February and July could give your career a boost. Building community is key for you this year.


You will continue to shake things up in 2024, Taurus. With Uranus in your sign, you seek freedom and a spirit of renewal. Although change isn’t always your thing, you learn to accept the new. This could be a year of deep growth in your career, especially in January and May. You may be tested and asked to step up in new ways. Breathe your authority. Don’t get stuck in old patterns. By the way, here is your greatest career strength, Taurus. Romantically, look to August and September, when Venus lights up your relationship arena.


This year is going to be invigorating for you, Gemini! Jupiter and Saturn spend most of the year in Aquarius, your other air sign, and they will ignite and deepen your desire to communicate and build relationships. What have you been given to say? What do you want to be a messenger of in this world? This is a year where you will be heard! Professionally, you will be supported in February and March. Romantically, this year could also be very interesting. Pay particular attention to the months of January and October. Just be careful not to scatter your energies personally or professionally – focus on what you want and go for it.


You are going to heat up in 2024, Cancer. You may start a little cautiously, but in March you will feel a real new momentum. This is a year to deepen your understanding of yourself, so study, reflect, journal, and explore. Although you tend to take things very personally, you may find yourself thinking about your life a little more objectively this year and being more able to problem solve and detach yourself. You can imagine something new for yourself professionally in March and April. Romantically, October and November are particularly rich.


This is a powerful year for you, Leo. Jupiter and Saturn are in Aquarius for most of the year, and it’s the direct opposite sign of Leo. This will be a year that asks you to share your gift in groups, help lead teams, and gather allies to grow the light together. You will also share your Leo projector to be part of something bigger than yourself. Join teams or groups dedicated to improving our world. Professionally, May and June could be exciting. Relationships are highlighted in January and February – this could be a year where you make big relationship commitments. Looking to add a furry best friend to your life?


In 2024, you will be inspired to refine how you spend your time and energy, working to improve your overall health and well-being. If you want to take up a new hobby, here’s one that’s perfect for your zodiac sign. Try not to be too perfectionist; just show up every day. In March, you will hit your stride. Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will stimulate your intelligence and discernment. Many of you find this to be a year of powerful brainstorming, which could bring changes or improvements to your professional life, especially in February and May. Romantically, July and August are exciting.


Your social self comes alive this year, Libra. With Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius, another air sign, you’ll want to meet new people, engage in engaging conversations, and deepen your relationships. Romantic partnerships will be preferred, especially in February and April. At work, it is a year of collaboration and forging interesting ties. Personally and professionally, this is your “life of the party” year. It’s time to shine.


This year is all about home and family for you, Scorpio. You may want to nest and focus on your chosen family. With Uranus in Taurus moving through your area of ​​partnerships, you can better understand certain relationships in your life, professionally and personally. Some relationships may need to be reinvented, and others may need to end. Romantically, interesting new relationships could also start. May is a great month for this!


With Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius most of this year, in harmony with your sign, you will feel freer and more adventurous than ever. Sagittarius and Aquarius thrive together. This year you’ll be on the go – you’ll want to get out, travel and learn something new. You will have a lot more energy than usual and you will need to be physical and engaged. As always, be sure to exercise caution in the jumps you make. Remember: Sometimes it’s good to have a net. In January and February, network like crazy. And romantically, with Venus and Mars in another fire sign, July is hot!


You will pay close attention to your financial life in the new year, Capricorn. You will think carefully about how you want to invest and work with the money you earn. You might even make more money this year! It is also a year to deepen your sense of purpose. Are you climbing the right mountain? Are you on track to achieve what you hope to achieve? You want to assess how you are spending your most valuable resources: your time and energy. Romantically, this could be a year of experimentation and freedom, especially in June and August.


This is your year, Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn are in your sign for most of the year, bringing good fortune and commitment. It will be a powerful year of growth. Jupiter has not been in your sign for 12 years and Saturn has not visited you for 30 years! Use the next 12 months to find your allies and share your message. Aquarians love innovation, friendship, freedom, and group creativity, and all of these areas will be stimulated this year. February is particularly intense with Mercury, the Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus all in your sign. You will feel enormous possibilities in all areas of your life. Professionally, pay particular attention to the month of October. And romantically, April and July are beautiful.


In the middle of 2024, Jupiter will enter your sign, Pisces. It is a time of great expansion and opportunity. Jupiter helps us all move past what is holding us back or is no longer useful in our lives. Your sensitivity and compassion are your greatest strengths, and this is a year where you can offer these qualities more fully. You may feel called to volunteer or find yourself helping friends through a difficult time. Professionally, this can be a year when you are in the making or considering a bigger project. You may find yourself in the “inspiration” phase. November is particularly rich in terms of career. Romantically, June and July are juicy.



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