
Here Are 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Going To Have The Horrible Year 2024

Here Are 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Going To Have The Horrible Year 2024

I know I know…

You tell yourself that the year 2024 should finally bring some good news. After everything we’ve been through the last two years, we really deserve it!

While this is going to be true for a lot of people, there are unfortunately some people who are going to rush into it even more. Sorry!

The truth is, reading your horoscope is usually fun, but sometimes astrological news isn’t great!

In fact, they can be really catastrophic!

I don’t want to scare you, but these three zodiac signs are going to have the worst year of their lives. Let me show you how to prepare.

There are many people who rely on the stars and astrology to explain their problems.

It’s an easy escape! While it is important to understand that the planets do not attack you personally, it is equally important to recognize the importance of the impact of the planets on your daily life.

Venus rules love and money, Mercury has communication, the reign of Neptune is the dream world, and so on.

As the planets move through the twelve signs, they take on the energies associated with those signs, such as Scorpio is mysterious, Aries is energetic, and Gemini is cunning.

Sometimes planets don’t like being in certain signs and sometimes those planets when in those signs, don’t perform well in your individual or group chats.

For 2024, I discovered several unfortunate aspects for the three signs that will have the worst year to come. These alignments are likely to cause all kinds of issues for some of us (depending on our sun signs), from small communication issues to massive life-changing changes.

In case you are scared, don’t be. Having the worst in the year 2024 doesn’t necessarily mean you have bad luck all the time.

These three zodiac signs will have the worst in the year 2024, but you have to believe it’s for the best in the long run.

3. Aquarius

January 21 – February 19

The year of understanding

Lucky for you, you can benefit from a little grace, thanks to the influence of Saturn in your sign.

As ancient astrologers believed your sign to be the “home” or the natural energetic house of the planet Saturn, this annular planet will act as an anchor for all efforts related to lifelong productivity over the course of your life. ‘a year that may be difficult to navigate.

With all of the 2024 squared eclipses and multiple retrogrades of Mercury working against you, what kind of understanding can you develop by being held back?

Aquarius energy is a magnificent combination of Capricorn energy and Pisces intuition, so when you are prevented from reaching your goals, you react aggressively and emotionally.

Use your experiences from this year to cultivate a better understanding of the struggles of others, and turn those deep feelings into action for good.

You will be fine, Aquarius!

2. Leo

July 23 – August 22

The year of discomfort

My exuberant fire friend, you have received the same cosmic karma as Aquarius for 2024. As your sign opposes this one and opposites share the same squares, find a weird Aquarius friend to empathize with if not. is not already done.

2024 is going to rock you, rock your world, and teach you that you can endure even more discomfort than you think.

2024 will be undeniably difficult for you, but not unnecessarily. It is up to you to learn from the inconvenience the cosmos sends you.

This year’s four eclipses (which occur on April 30, May 16, October 25, and November 8) are squared with your sign. When the planets in their normal state square aspects of your chart, it signals stagnation and unease.

Combine this square with the energy of the eclipse and you have a cosmic catalyst for immense change and upheaval.

Right after the first eclipse cycle of 2024, you are also unlucky enough to be influenced by retrograde Mercury crisscrossing your sign from May 22 to June 3.

This will be an opportune time to practice speaking awareness. While I know you love to have all eyes on you, Leo, 2024 (and this part of the year in particular) is a time for some soul-searching and working inside.

Additionally, Uranus retrogrades you around August 24 and stays there until 2024, forcing you to identify your blockage and forcing you to change.

You’re not the type of person who likes to be stopped in their tracks, but in 2024 you will have to get used to it.

Can you use this time to learn to sit with discomfort?

The discomfort of silence when you’d rather talk about yourself, the discomfort of being alone, and the discomfort, perhaps, of being deprived of the luxuries you take for granted?

I have faith in you, dear Lion.

1. Libra

September 23 – October 23

The year of truth

You tend to hide your feelings behind a mask of distance and intellect, but with Venus in retrograde Capricorn squatting your sign from late 2021 to January 29, there is nothing you can do except face people. and the lifestyles of the past with radical honesty from the start of the year.

Pretending to be OK no longer helps.

The top three Mercury retrogrades this year make horrible angles to your sign, which will make communication issues common throughout the year.

Be very careful about telling the truth, as your words can and will be easily misinterpreted. Speaking of yet another demotion (sorry!): Expect to feel tumultuous and unstable during the demotion of Pluto, which squats you from April 29 to October 8.

While retrograde Mercury primarily causes problems in the material world, retrograde Pluto is more subtle and deeper.

You probably won’t feel like you belong and wonder about your purpose – just try to hold on. It will pass and the challenges of 2024 will lead you to the truth and an incredible year 2024.


Here Are 3 Zodiac Signs That Are Going To Have The Horrible Year 2024

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