You are Capricorn and you want to know everything about the astrological predictions of 2019. Our astrologer, Chris Semet, reveals what you have in store for the year 2019 in love, work, health. Discover your free horoscope 2019!
What will the stars ask you in 2019
This year, everything will inspire you to show what you are capable of. Get out of your shell. Reveal yourself. Do you require? Trust yourself. Consolidate your achievements. Reveal yourself …
General climate
2019 will be a great year for you. Whatever you live, whatever your situation, you will have the cards in hand to move forward in your projects or to free you from certain situations. It will be the end of one period or the beginning of another.
Your key months
January will be the starting point of a new cycle whose first results will be felt at the end of 2019. In March, you will have to act, move and undertake. In April, pay attention to stress. In May, bet on communication. In June and July, get a clear picture.
If you were lacking in recognition or were going through a complicated period in 2019, this year you will have the opportunity to take charge of your situation. It will be up to you to act. With many tools to advance your projects, you will have to take up the challenges that will come your way. The end of 2019 will see you cross an important step of your professional.
From one end to the other of the year, you will take care to preserve your financial equilibrium. You will do your accounts with regularity and you will perfectly target your expenses.
Friendship & Love
A beautiful year that will see you make very beautiful meetings. Your social or friendly life will be a source of well-being, sharing, joy and good humour.
As a couple, it will be a year that will allow you to better determine your desires and aspirations. You will know what you want and you will be able to express it better. It’s a good time to better communicate with your partner and above all to better understand you. Spring and summer will be perfect for you.
Single, over the months, you will know better what type of relationship is right for you. You will put your love life in parentheses and give priority to friendship.
Whatever you live, you can rely on the stars to face all situations. Solid, determined, voluntary, lively, you will be in full possession of your means.
Closer to the stars
1st: 2019 will find you more optimistic. Thus, you will take a fresh look at situations or people around you. You will apprehend life with more serenity and confidence.
2nd: You will have the opportunity to impose yourself and to get noticed in your activity. Some of you will move to a more interesting and exciting position.
3rd: This will be the year or never to upset your habits, to break the routine or a frustrating situation for a change of life or you question … your chance.