
Signs To Which Scorpio Is Charm

Signs To Which Scorpio Is Charm

Some are attracted to others, but that does not mean that those others are attracted to the former. Each sign is mesmerized by the one who really gives them what they want, although it is often not what is wanted that is most needed. As in love, all mess.

Scorpio  (October 23 to November 22)

He is attracted to Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces

Scorpio is extremely passionate. Everything he does, he does with incredible passion. They want fiery relationships, the kind that transmits a lot. They would never bear that the person who was by their side was someone who was not very passionate or not very intelligent. He loves to have intellectual conversations, likes to know about everything, to learn, and is extremely curious. She is not satisfied and always wants more, she is a very successful person who needs someone by her side who does not overshadow her, who walks with her/him and contributes to her/him but never thinks he/she is superior. That kills him…

Scorpio pairs super well with another Scorpio. He is not frustrated when expressing himself, he is not frustrated when he is mentally less than/him. It is very important that you live up to her and have common goals.

Pisces and Cancer are his water companions and the truth is that they are very attractive to him. He gives him what he needs almost always and you can talk to them. They are sensitive and almost have the same sense of humor, they express their love without having to say it.

The problem is that many times, when these signs are wrong, they can absorb all of Scorpio’s energy, leaving him dry. And not that, not that way, Scorpio cannot lose its power, before that, it will break with EVERYTHING.


Signs To Which Scorpio Is Charm

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