How many times have you not thought that you just can’t take it anymore and finally you could? The truth is, you are a pretty foolish sign, it is difficult for you to accept people intervening in your life because in no way do you want to feel useless. There is a part of you that enjoys independence and although often your intention is to help you end up feeling stifled. You can be destroyed by not allowing yourself to see any further, you tidy up so much in what you think you close the file even though you know you may have another solution. Your impulsive side doesn’t help you much because you get to say some really hurtful things and that’s when you push people who really love you away, which leads to inevitable pain.
Taurus, there is a part of you that knows that you are not perfect, but you insist that other people believe that you are not. Suddenly, your ego can become a double-edged sword and at the least expected moment, it ends up hurting you. It is difficult for you to accept that you hold on to your opinions, you think that nothing that other people want to say matters and that can lead you to a hard distance. You are a good person, but there are times when you go too far in putting yourself first, because you are practically leaving out those who are dear to you. That is, you don’t have time to give in to others, to worry about how they are, what they need. Out of nowhere your empathetic side comes out, because you focus on your goals and you no longer understand the reasons. Don’t waste the best of your life for something just now.
It is very provocative that you are always being pointed out as someone with little commitment. Gemini, you recognize that your personality is a duality that you cannot control all of the time. However, when you get upset it seems like everything just escalates and you end up falling into a hole that you have made on your own. The point is, you go from smiling to being angry. People often judge you because they cannot conceive of such sensitivity. The downside is that when you’re on the defensive it’s not that you don’t have to set limits. Of course, you shouldn’t allow anyone to make you less, but you don’t have to fight with everyone. Ultimately, you know who you are and how much you are worth. If you fall for pennies and say,
It is no secret that your personality is full of sensitivity, you are the kind of gentle person who steals the charm of those around him. The downside is that you are often not in control of your emotions and can go from calm to overly irritable. They just need to hit a weak spot to let you go. In these cases, it is very difficult to deal with you and you know it because there are times when you do not even understand each other. The problem is, there are those who take advantage and that’s when you can end up in a toxic relationship. Cancer, know that you can shine on your own, you don’t have to depend on or explain to anyone. If someone plays down your emotions, it’s not there,
Yes, the Sun is on your side, you are a sure sign of that. Like everyone, there are times when you just feel like things aren’t going well for you no matter how hard you try, but most of the time you trust your abilities. Leo, you are talented and you are not afraid of success, on the contrary, you work very hard to achieve your dreams, because your expectations are high. However, you are not always in control, there are times when everything falls apart, but it is difficult for you to come to terms with it. It is your ego that does not dare to accept a mistake. The problem is when the people who love you try to help you. His intention is good, he wants you to open your eyes, but your silly side is preventing you from accepting him. Remember that people who are really worth it will tell you things without fear and that is the important thing because they are not beating around the bush. However, if you become stubborn, the only one who will destroy you is you.
Between so much practicality and logic, you forget yourself, Virgo. Sometimes you try so hard to make things perfect that you put the emotional part aside. When you least think you’re just another machine, you indulge in later and when something goes wrong you tend to explode. Be clear that sooner or later everything in this life pays off and if you are too demanding of yourself, life is not going to sit idly by. In a way, he’s got to tell you it’s time to take a break. You leave it for later when you are the most important thing. You can’t keep pretending everything is fine when you can’t cry anymore. You are used to holding onto your feelings, and there will come a time when the glass will shatter.
Libra is synonymous with a lot of found ideas. That is to say, there is his benevolent side, the one who is able to put himself in the other’s shoes and help him without expecting anything in return. But, also its sophisticated part, the one who likes the good, likes to fulfill one or the other whim. The problem is when the latter gets out of hand, as money becomes a constant in your head. If you lose control, there comes a time when you always want more. You become a victim of marketing and even if you don’t need things, you go. You are not in competition with anyone, it is you and your demons who accelerate the purchases. In these cases, analyze the situation, remember that you are much more than what you wear or what you have.
It’s simple, Scorpio doesn’t see the need to pretend with anyone. When someone doesn’t like you, it shows in every pore. Let’s say there comes a time when you like to make the other person uncomfortable with your presence. This is not a sign that you stop doing certain things just because others feel bad. Scorpios know their energy is strong and they don’t always use it for good, which can be very dangerous when dealing with the people they love. That is, you know that there are times when your bad mood takes its toll and it is very likely that you will end up making hurtful comments. However, his temper is getting out of hand, if you provoke Scorpio you are going to have to suffer the consequences because nothing is saved. Be careful Scorpio, as this can destroy you, drive you away from the people you love, and often there isn’t enough reason for you to hurt them. Even if it is not intentional.
Unattached fun is more fun. This is the motto you go through the Sagittarius life with, but the truth is that deep down you are moving away from yourself. Part of you is afraid of ending up with people who don’t value your essence. You are very easy to like because you have a conversation about everything and you love to help. However, when things start to get too formal, you feel like they start to suffocate you. Deep down, you know you want a commitment, but you’re not quite sure. This can cause you to lose valuable people, who by being with you do not feel appreciated and prefer to leave. You know that you are a free soul, that you like to live your days on your own terms, however, Sagittarius does not shut you down,
You can’t go through life like you don’t care about a thing, it’s more than clear. However, there are times when you overdo it, you get addicted to having everything in its place, and you aren’t able to let a single detail slip away. Capricorn, life isn’t just about working, thinking about plans, and being successful. Sometimes your day is spent in hours and hours of work, but you don’t put a single moment on your heart first. So when you think the least, you are going to feel drowned and lonely. People cannot stand so much indifference from you, there will come a time when they will leave and you will not be able to do anything more. Yes, success takes effort and sacrifice, however, don’t put your feelings on the line because when life takes its toll, you will regret it. Take a break, you deserve it, stress and anxiety are consuming you.
It’s good to be an independent soul, confident and unafraid to speak out how you feel. But, Aquarius, it’s not about how high you can build a wall so that no one is towering over you. Don’t overdo it, giving in every now and then has nothing to do with authenticity. You can be yourself and at the same time take an interest in others. Shutting off the thought of loving and connecting with friends and family can become extremely exhausting. It’s an internal struggle, in which you want to pretend that everything is fine and that you are stronger, when you are not. What need to fall for this kind of thing? The only thing that will happen is that you will find yourself far away and so much loneliness can cloud your soul.
You are very clear that you are not a perfect being, that there are times when you would like your emotions not to dominate you to the point of robbing you of your calm. The problem is, your kindness can trump everything and that’s when the parasitic people take advantage of you. You are good, but don’t overdo it, for so much goodness can turn into your destruction. Most people don’t understand the way you see the world, you never tire of giving and basically you hope that the other will show their good side too. Slow down, don’t open the doors to just anyone, if you become more selective and start setting limits automatically, the bad guys will leave your life, because their desire is to control and they won’t be able to anymore.