
Classified Signs Of Angels To Demons

Neither the good is as good and neither the bad is as bad as they paint him, but we all know that our actions define us and that our personality also helps a lot. There are people who are very angel and another, who is very devil and still love us, although there are also people who have both sides. Here is a small ranking of the zodiac signs classified from angels to demons:


  1. LIBRA

All Libra are characterized by having an angel face and a personality that squanders a lot of tenderness (when you let yourself know thoroughly, of course, because if nothing) You are a very pure person Libra and whoever is by your side can be certain that He has a very good person nearby. What’s more, many times you sneak in and spend a good person. You know, you give others more, but that’s your hallmark. In heaven, it has a throne with a crown and with great detail for everything you do here below, as well as data.


Are you surprised to be in this position? Hopefully not, because you deserve it Taurus. You have a heart that does not enter your chest and you know it. Even if you are not the most demonstrative person on earth in terms of feelings, you protect your people like nobody else and do anything for their love. You are very good people Taurus, an angel with a lot of character but very familiar and sensitive in the background … You know that many times that good side has been the one that has hurt you the most. Especially when they have taken advantage of your help. You are an angel among many demons.


You deserve third place because you have your own way of seeing the world and in it, you always count on making others happy. You are a lot of light in the darkness Pisces. You are a lot of angel among many demons who salivate when they see your goodness … Seriously, you are very kind (with whom you feel like it) and you know how to empathize with people. Even if you don’t forget, FORGIVENESS and that makes you great Pisces. The only flaw you would have as an angel is that you don’t know how to wait and you want people to return your favors faster than later. Nothing else. You like justice always to be done.



For you, loving and making others happy is like breathing fresh air. You enter the group of angels because you are Sagittarius light, you are positive and you are of that kind of people capable of anything, just to see others happy and smiling. Moreover, even if you have a shitty day, you put the best of all your smiles (it is also a protective shield so they don’t ask you and you know it) and you like to make your laugh, you love to see how they overflow with joy in their lives … Sagittarius, you are a very positive person and you would just leave that facet for taking a ten-day trip.


Even if you don’t prove it, you care a lot about others. Even if you don’t like giving gifts of affection and affection, we know that you are one of the people who is most happy with the joys of others. Aquarius, you may not be joy in person, but you have one of the best and simplest hearts in the whole zodiac. There are no double faces in it, there is no double bottom, it does not hide anything … You are an Aquarian angel, not one of the most demonstrative and the most affectionate, but an angel has fallen from heaven. Your actions have given you this position, your personality is what makes everyone see you as someone rebellious, but it’s all facade …


You are in the equator of angels and demons and of course, it could not be someone else. It’s you Gemini, the sign that has two sides. The dark and the good. The yin and the yan. The angel and the devil. The typical image of someone with a mini angel telling you how good you have to do, and that mini devil challenging the ideas of the mini angel is very much yours. That’s Gemini, you’re in the middle of the matter to get attention. The truth is that you do not pursue a specific pattern, because when you want to be good you are like no one else. and it goes without saying when you fancy being bad Gemini, you embroider it…

  1. LEO

The experiences, the experience and the lessons that you have learned by force all your way have been those that have made them stand with one more foot on the side of the demons than on that of the Leo angels and you know it. Let’s see, it is obvious that you are a little piece of heaven with the people who need it and that you are very affectionate, but when you have to get serious and bring your claws to light, you do it like the lion of the jungle that you are Leo, you do it by honoring your name because even the bravest can shit on seeing your fangs in full action … That’s right, let a lion loose and the cowards will cry endlessly, right?


You dream of being a good person. You try to be a good person and you know what? That you are a very good person Cancer, but life puts you many temptations with a touch of sin in front of your nose and, honestly, you cannot resist … Cancer, you are a very fighter and a defender of equality and rights. You like to take care of your people, you love to see that they are happy and to know that you have had something to do. But when that mini inner devil in you speaks to you and puts temptations in front of your nose, you cannot reject them. You plummet Cancer, you know how to blackmail very well.

  1. VIRGO

You have more of a devil than an angel for a simple reason: for your character. This is Virgo, that the person who has the audacity to put their noses in some aspect of your life be prepared and pray a lot. Seriously, it is not a joke, that the person who messes with you is prepared because when you have to defend yourself from anything, you do not measure strength, words, actions, and revenge and you know it. If you have to put yourself in a bad plan, you put yourself in a maximum bad plan and leave no one safe Virgo. Actually it is logical, you know how to defend very, very well.

  1. ARIES

You love to see your people happy. You love to make jokes and make them laugh without stopping. But there may be the reason why you are more devil than angel. Aries, recognize that many of your jokes go with double meaning. You know it very, very well. You make a joke to say painful truths or to throw very direct hints in the face of someone you don’t like. What’s more, you don’t have to like yourself, because you’ve spent a lot of those jokes on your friends … You are a Devil from the Aries category. And best of all, that “bad devil” air suits you very, very well …


You are the clear example of the devil with lambskin and with a little face of not having broken a plate. Oh Capricorn, how foolish is the world. Of cute and soft lamb you have the same as of a maximum sentimental person. I mean NOTHING and you know it. You are in the penultimate position because for you this is the position of the victors. You are a very cunning person, with few scruples, with a lot of evil intelligence, with many tricks and secrets and with a very penetrating look seriously Capricorn, and only the physicist makes you be someone to be afraid of. But if we talk about your intelligence we have already reached the limbo of the devils. You’re the best.


Did you doubt it? Obviously not. The post of the maximum devil with the highest level of evil in his blood is your Scorpio, only yours and no one else’s because nobody could take that position better than you. On your shoulders, there is not the typical picture of the angel against the devil. No. In your case, you have a devil on each shoulder because there is no room for heavenly angels in your life. But be careful, this does not mean that you are not a beautiful person, at all … But it is true that you come back when everything goes and that evil feels loving good to you Scorpio. At your will, give up whoever you are and you know it.

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