
6 zodiac signs that are emotionally empty and don’t feel anything

As humans, we are all naturally emotional beings. But is it possible that some of us are completely free of emotion?

There are a couple of instances where we experience emotional bankruptcy in people at the most unusual moments.

It’s like something traumatic happens to someone and it just so overwhelms a person’s emotional system that it makes them want to switch off.

But are traumatic experiences really the trigger? Maybe there are just people who are completely emotionless at heart.

Well, it turns out astrology has the answer. There are, in fact, certain signs of the zodiac that are known to be quite emotionless – no matter what the circumstances or how a situation may affect them.

While this can be completely strange and unusual behavior for some, it can be completely normal for others.

And it makes sense too. After all, feelings and emotions have a habit of messing everything up.

And maybe some of these zodiac signs enjoy the fact that they don’t feel emotions the same way other people do.

Perhaps they see it as a strength to be able to switch off their emotions at will.

It’s almost like a coping mechanism when it happens. When we are overloaded with feelings and emotions, we try to numb ourselves to everything.

When a pain is just too big to endure, we turn it off. When we are overjoyed and in danger of being blinded to the reality of a situation, we maintain a cold demeanor.

Some of us don’t do this well. And some of us can do it much better than others. Here are the 6 zodiac signs that are known to be pretty emotionless:

1. Capricorn

As a Capricorn, you already have a reputation for being very mysterious. You always carry yourself with a certain stoicism.

Nobody ever really knows how you feel about them – and there is a good reason for that.

You are deeply ambitious. You have a lot of dreams and goals that you set for yourself. And you also know that many negative emotions such as fear, sadness, and concern can prevent you from achieving your dreams.

And so you’ve essentially trained yourself to block out those emotions as best you can.

Sometimes you can be a little inconsiderate with your methods. You act without first thinking about how your actions might affect others.

And while it may seem guiltless, it’s all part of your unemotional nature.

2. Aquarius

The reason you are considered quite numb like a Capricorn is because of your sheer intellect.

It is your mind power that keeps you from giving in to your feelings a lot.

Like a Capricorn, you always let your mind take precedence. You have a very powerful mind and so you would be foolish to waste it.

You always approach everything very rationally and logically and refuse to let your feelings cloud your judgment.

You rely heavily on your sanity when it comes to dealing with difficult situations and you feel like your emotions are only holding you back.

3. Scorpio

They’re just naturally cold. As a Scorpio, you don’t like dealing with feelings and emotions at all.

They think it’s a waste of time; and most of all, consider them a sign of weakness. That’s why you like to keep your feelings to yourself often and often.

Scorpio is often viewed as the sign most likely to make you emotionally dead in an emergency – but it takes even less than we think to say goodbye to the spirit world.

At least 20 times a day, the Scorpio switches off his emotions – and that seems to us as if he were frozen to the core.

4. Aries

Since you are an Aries you can be very passionate about one thing. And passion is just as much an emotion as sadness.

But you also have a way of turning everything off and getting things done when you need to.

You can just hide everything and focus on the task at hand. That’s why you have so much success in your professional life.

In the way you function, you are almost like a robot.

If you’re as stubborn as Aries, you need to maintain that stubborn demeanor and know when to show the world that you are dead inside.

Aries are inherently emotionally unstable – and this type of volatility can either explode 24 hours a day or be kept in check and mitigated by practicing emotional emptiness.

It is hard work maintaining the “I’m always right” attitude, and sometimes Aries has to switch to “empty” to get through the next day.

5. Taurus

The reason it is so easy for you to switch off your emotions is because you always manage to turn to outside stimulants to help yourself with this.

Sometimes you just delve into your hobbies to distract yourself from your feelings.

Another time, you might take a more destructive route, resorting to alcohol.

Either way, as a Taurus, you are very good at finding distractions for yourself.

The Taurus is close enough on the verge of insanity and so completely unwilling to deal with your nonsense that he has mentally left the stage just to get away from you.

Taurus takes his shutdown seriously, and if you try to reach him while he’s emotionally empty you’ll literally hit his head against the wall.

6. Twins

You have two personalities. You have probably been told this before, or you have long since discovered it in yourself.

One of the defining aspects of your character is that you are very flexible.

You are able to be someone completely different depending on who you are with and where you are.

Twins have a hard time! Especially with all those negligent, crazy emotions floating around inside.

This is why the “other side” of the twin usually steps in and saves the day when things get too intimate and soft.

The Vulnerable Gemini loves all these feelings … until all these feelings become all this pain – and then they say goodbye, emotional facade, and hello, ice-covered desert of void.

You are very adaptable as far as your personality goes. And whenever one side of you starts to get overly emotional about something, the other side of your personality takes over and excludes everything else.

You then become an impenetrable wall that holds a vacuum of emotional emptiness.


6 zodiac signs that are emotionally empty and don't feel anything

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