
These Zodiac Signs Have To Reckon With A Bitter Sadness In June 2023

A Bitter Sadness In June 2023

These Zodiac Signs Have To Reckon With A Bitter Sadness In June 2023

Where there is light there is also shadow. Three zodiac signs in particular have to feel this firsthand this month. Because they face a great challenge that ends in bitter disappointment.

Fortunately, this phase will eventually come to an end!


Aquarius has been plagued by a really queasy gut feeling for a long time. This month he will also find out why. Because it’s the fault of a person in his immediate vicinity who doesn’t mean well with him. The zodiac finds out that said friend has been playing a pretty bad game for a long time and has been dishonest more or less non-stop. Lovesickness through friendship? This works out! Unfortunately, Aquarius must now find out for themselves.


If the lion does something, then only with pure passion. Be it his job, his friendships, or his love life – it’s all or nothing. Unfortunately, the person who means the most to Leo isn’t exactly into this extreme kind. That’s why there could be a big argument in June that will hurt the sign of the zodiac quite badly. Because his better half reveals her true face to him and that’s anything but nice. But after a short, intense mourning phase, the strong zodiac sign creates the way back to happiness.


Making plans is probably Virgo’s second priority. Unfortunately, fate put a spanner in the works this month. Because she has to reckon with a number of unplanned and, above all, unwelcome challenges. Always keeping your composure and still being happy is incredibly difficult even for the always-cheerful Virgo. Every once in a while, the zodiac sign has to admit that it’s okay to mope and let off steam when you’re dealing with a bad disappointment.

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