
These colors match your zodiac sign

Giiiirls, can you still remember the mood rings that we loved so much when we were at school? If we had the choice, we’d rather swap them for clunkers from great designers today. But the concept of color-changing rings is not that bad in itself: in fact, our mood influences which hues we choose for ourselves. It is the same with our personality and our zodiac sign. They too determine which colors harmonize with us. So that you have a clue in the future as to which colors best suit your zodiac sign, we have summarized the most important color schemes for you:


For many girls, neon colors are often a big scare – they create too stark a contrast and can quickly make you look pale. It looks completely different here with the zodiac signs Aquarius, Gemini and Leo. These three colorful creatures like to stand out from the crowd and should dress accordingly. Regardless of whether you opt for the neon all-over look or just set individual highlights with accessories or statement pieces, this look will always give the zodiac signs a certain attitude.


Dreamy and girly or a blaze of color that amazes even the rainbow. The zodiac signs Pisces, Taurus and Cancer are not only true dreamers, they also take their dreamy colors with them into their closets. But watch out: the it-piece doesn’t always have to have something to do with clothing. Since you almost always carry your smartphone with you anyway, it should of course also adapt to your style. So how about the new Samsung S20 FE, which is also available in beautiful pastel tones ? And not only that: Thanks to the integrated high-quality triple camera, you can also shoot the perfect #nofilter pictures. We looooove!


Less is more! The classic colors black and white have become an indispensable part of our wardrobe. Of course, the colors, starting with deep dark black, light gray and snow white, basically go with every type of woman. However, it underlines the personality and charisma of the zodiac signs Aries, Virgo and Libra in a very special way. Why? The Aries woman, for example, presents herself confident and strong, while a black two-piece suit with a white blouse accentuates the appearance. Gray mice are so yesterday!


Like God created us … almost! We are of course not talking about Adam and Eve, who prefer to show themselves without clothes, but about natural tones that can be found in every wardrobe. We all love them – colors that can be quickly and easily combined. But not everyone misses these tones. The zodiac signs Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn particularly benefit from this color scheme. Regardless of whether it is beige, olive-khaki, rust-colored or off-white, they are real combination wonders and you conjure up a trendy and chic look in no time at all.

These colors match your zodiac sign


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