
These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Particularly Lucky During The First Week Of August 2023

Lucky During The First Week Of August 2023

These 3 Zodiac Signs Are Particularly Lucky During The First Week Of August 2023

New month, new luck! These three zodiac signs can definitely take that literally because especially in the first week of August, the universe is on their side.

These zodiac signs are now on a real lucky streak!

Zodiac: The 3 lucky children of the first week of August

It hasn’t been going as well for these three zodiac signs for a long time as it is now.


Leo is particularly lucky in the first week of August, especially when it comes to love. Among other things, the love planet Venus is responsible for this, which is now in a particularly good position. For all those Leos who have been looking for a relationship for a long time, the chances of finding happiness are currently particularly good. Closed-off Leos are finally finding the courage to open up and indulge in serious partnerships.


Twins can also look forward to lots of happy feelings in the coming days. Everything is going like clockwork for them at the moment. Every project no matter how small, that twins undertake at the moment is a success! Whether at work or in private life – this week everything is going smoothly. This zodiac sign definitely deserves this relaxed phase. From this, twins draw new strength and energy that lasts for a long time.


The Capricorn is also one of the absolute lucky children. After a long lull and phase of lack of motivation, this sign of the zodiac really takes off again in August. He has finally regained faith in himself and has enough energy to get going again. The portion of luck in the first week of August is just right! Now nothing stands in the way of a fresh start in all areas of life.

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