
The reason he did not want to be with you (which is not your fault) is based on his zodiac sign


Aries: March 21st – April 19th

He feels too young to settle down. He did not want to dedicate his whole life to a person because he has little experience with dating. It may sound like Timing is a f**cking excuse, but right now he’s not going to have a serious relationship with anyone. It will take him a few more years to grow up. To find out who he is.

Taurus: April 20 to May 20

He’s still stuck to his ex – and that’s not your fault. It’s not that she’s prettier than you or funnier than you or smarter than you. But she was someone he loved, and he never broke it. It was therefore difficult for him to give you what you needed. His mind was still in the past and there was nothing you could do to change that.

Gemini: May 21st – June 20th

He wanted to keep his options open. That’s nonsense? Yes. If he wanted you so much, would he have an appointment with you? Probably. The truth is he liked you very much, but he also liked the idea of ​​sharing the field with others. A girl is not enough for him. At least not now.

Cancer: June 21st – July 22nd

He was not in love with you – and that’s not your fault, even if it feels that way. You can not force anyone to love you. And he could not force himself to love you. You did not come together because the feelings just were not there. But they will be with someone else.

Leo: July 23 – August 22

He did not come with you because he was still trying to figure out a few things. He’s just not a friend you can relate to right now. You should be glad that you have never entered into a serious relationship because you could have ever really trusted him? Could you ever really believe a word?

Virgo: 23rd of August – 22nd of September

You two had no chemistry. The paper was perfect for each other, but when it came to face-to-face conversations, there was no sexual tension. You two were better off as friends. A relationship would never have worked. Deep inside, you know that too.

Libra: September 23rd – October 22nd

You never told him what you felt about him (even though you gave him a million signs and thought you made it obvious), so he did not know you wanted a relationship. He was worried that you might reject him, so he never took the first step. He was too scared of what might happen, just like you.

Scorpio: October 23rd – November 21st

He was already in a complicated relationship with someone else. He did not mean to make it worse by persecuting you. He decided to stay where he feels most comfortable instead of risking it because it was the easier option.

Sagittarius: 22nd November – 21st December

He just wanted sex. He was never interested in a relationship. He just wanted to have fun, and when he realized that you wanted more than that, he left.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

He is not in the right setting for a relationship right now. He is too busy with other things. Mainly his career. He does not want to be distracted by love and push his dreams into the background. He has made it his goal to make something of himself.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

He was afraid of hurting you, so instead of having a relationship with you, he fled outside. He thought he would do what was best for you, even though he basically hurt you worse than you deserved.

Pisces: February 19th – March 20th

He really thought that you are just friends. He did not know that you have feelings for him. He has confused your flirtation with friendliness. He was just so unaware.


The reason he did not want to be with you (which is not your fault) is based on his zodiac sign

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