The 5 Signs That Fight The Most

At number 1 is Scorpio. Yes, it is not that Scorpio likes to fight or argue, it is that he cannot bite his tongue when he knows that he is right and that nobody gives it to him. Scorpio can spend hours fighting until the other understands that he / she is the reason. It is tireless, and it drains anyone’s mind and body. When you have offended Scorpio you will know it, his face changes, his expression changes and you sense that nothing good can happen. You are right, Scorpio has a very, very bad host when he wants to but that is not what is worrying, if not what is harmful and how damn he can be with his hurtful words. Scorpio will sting you with its stinger over and over again, driving you crazy, and causing you to experience the pain you’ve caused yourself, even when you didn’t want to. If you have offended Scorpio, You should stay calm and wait for what comes your way. Try to back off slowly and apologize, even if you have no idea why you are apologizing. Seriously, for your sake …
At number 2 is Aries. The ram even fights with the stones if necessary. Yes, he is a person with a very, very short flame, so he can jump right away, and no, he doesn’t have to feel threatened by something. Aries does not like to admit that he is wrong sometimes, and that is what makes him a fighter with everything. Since he was a small child, Aries was the one who defended the innocent from injustice, the one who faced the one who took three heads out of him without fear, the bravado of his friends. Yes, Aries has incredible confidence in his convictions, in everything he does. He throws so much passion and enthusiasm into everything that he does not think at any time that he may be wrong.
You will not be able to win a fight against Aries unless you are patient, very very patient, because Aries has rope for a while, and he will not be able to leave anywhere without saying the last word, even if he says it in a whisper …
Leo’s personality is incredibly powerful. He can be with you to the death and in the same way you can become his opponent in five minutes. In reality, Leo’s personality is fierce, and it intensifies everything, all emotions with Leo are multiplied by a thousand. So, when you have a discussion with Leo that maybe can be easily resolved or solved, think that Leo is giving everything, and that no, for Leo it is not going to be solved easily because he has that kind of impulse to intensify everything much more . Especially if you say or do something, accidentally or on purpose that hurts them a lot, something that makes them even more vulnerable. From the discussions with Leo you should expect quite explosive language, a lot of heat in all his words and in all his gestures, and no, any kind of limit.
The more you try to defend yourself, the more they will get stung and the harsher they will be with their words. If you want to extinguish the fire with Leo, please apologize. It is the healthiest thing you can ever do. Try to empathize with whatever it is and let their energy simmer… Avoid going back to that fight. Now and always.
At number 4 is Cancer. Wherever you see it, the Krabs has a hell of a temper when he wants to. They can be very calm at times but inside his head does not stop thinking and creating, his feelings are extremely deep. He is intelligent and mature, more than the world thinks but the heart rules over them, and if you hurt them, they will keep it almost to the grave. And they will throw it in your face, they will tell you exactly what you said, how you said it and when you said it. And it won’t matter that years have passed, in fact it won’t even matter that the conversation is already completely closed, not even if it’s resolved.
So choose your words very carefully when you go to talk to Cancer. And it doesn’t matter how calm he seems because he can change character in less than 5 minutes. Think of the ways and correct your ways, especially those that can offend a lot. Fighting with Cancer is not a good idea, because you will always have a damn fly telling you what you did wrong. Careful.
Gemini is quarrelsome, VERY FIGHTER. And yes, in addition to that, he is tireless so, before starting a discussion with Gemini, it is best to think twice, and three, and four. Geminis are very fighter, they fight constantly, they jump to the minimum and especially when they know they are right. If Geminis are in a bad mood, they will argue until the end, but if they are in a good mood, too. Sometimes he gets too defensive but the best thing is that it is temporary. Yes, Geminis will argue a lot, but they don’t hold a grudge unless you’ve made a big deal out of them.
Before fighting with Geminis, remember that they have two faces, remember that they may smile, say four words to you, turn around and everything is there, but it is also possible that they will crush your head. What is very clear is that they will not stay quiet, that is never.
Gemini can throw you off your mind, they know how to play with minds and believe me that is the worst thing that can happen to you.