Horoscope: These 5 zodiac signs are real alpha women

Dominant, independent, brave and unstoppable: Alpha women are characterized by an incredibly strong character and like to be in charge both professionally and privately. This makes them born leaders – without appearing arrogant or imaginary. Your zodiac sign reveals whether you also belong to the Alpha type – and which features distinguish you individually.
Horoscope: These 5 zodiac signs are real alpha women
Aries (March 21 to April 19)
Aries clearly belong to the alpha characters. Women with this zodiac sign are always at the top in a group – regardless of whether the team in the office or among friends – and set the tone. However, this is anything but domineering, because your fellow human beings see your strength and self-confidence more as inspiration and you as a mentor. It only gets difficult when you meet another alpha woman. Aries immediately grabs the ambition and opens the relentless competition, which can get dirty. The zodiac sign is a real winner.
Gemini (May 21 to June 21)
Twins are also typical alpha women. Only your good body language, eloquent expression, and your smart ideas are striking. You are therefore very successful in your job and can usually be found in leading positions. And also in the relationship twins have their pants on: they don’t let their partner tell them anything, but rather set the tone themselves. The zodiac sign wants to be independent and to live together according to its own ideas.
Leo (July 23rd to August 21st)
Lionesses stand for courage, pride, ambition, and strength – and these are exactly the typical alpha features of the zodiac sign. They have a strong ego, which is why they always take center stage and thus automatically mutate into leaders. Your fellow human beings often feel inferior to you, simply because of your radiant presence and your confident appearance. But as much as you like to be admired – you never seem conceited, but always let your sunny, warm heart shine through.
Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)
Scorpions are very dominant personalities, who are often seen as somewhat gruff. This is due to your strong ambition: you want to be the winner and take no consideration for others in the fight for victory. This intimidates your fellow human beings – you shouldn’t mess with a scorpion. Even in love, you are a real alpha woman: you would never submit to a relationship and always have the upper hand when flirting – even if you sometimes let the men think the opposite. You never know exactly what you’re with and that’s exactly what makes you so incredibly mysterious.
Capricorn (December 23rd to January 20th)
Capricorns, like rams, are absolute winner types that cannot cope with a setback. They strive to reach the top of their careers and take control of the office with their tireless ambition, broad knowledge and the right amount of self-confidence. Sooner or later they end up on the executive chair – Capricorns are born managers who always keep an overview and can lead their team to success. In relationships, you shift down a gear and show yourself from your soft side – but you still want to remain self-determined and keep the upper hand financially.