3 zodiac signs you shouldn’t trust

When it comes to trustworthiness, we all sin from time to time. And that’s okay. We can lie for good or forget to call a friend back. However, according to astrologers, some of the zodiac signs cannot be trusted because they are most likely to let you down. Here they are: Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Gemini is a complex sign that is unreliable for a number of reasons, one of which is their indecision and inability to make a choice. Gemini is social chameleons with many masks in their bosom, and their logical thinking and curiosity can ultimately lead to problems. This air sign demands variety in every sense of the word. They can lie to get what they want, even unintentionally.
But Gemini can be trusted if they want to keep you in their lives. All that is required of you is comfortable and deep communication. Share your thoughts more often to persuade a Gemini to share the truth. And the Gemini themselves, most likely, want to be more open and not mean.
Leo (july 23 – august 22)
Leo is a zodiac star who loves to draw attention to himself. This means they have a dazzling personality and it’s fun to be around them. But that also means they can fall low to stand out.
They feel like the hub of the universe, and because of this, they may not deliberately give out other people’s secrets or betray.
Of course, none of this is an undeniable truth. And Leo can be a great friend, a decent person, and a trustworthy partner. All that is required is to be open about how much attention he needs from friends and partner. Knowing that they need him, Leo will be more open and less inclined to seek attention on the side.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Sagittarius loves freedom and longs to be everywhere. He loves to travel, live life to its fullest, learn something new, meet new people. And, although he has a rich and wonderful life, it can lead him to think “stop at nothing”, forcing Sagittarius to neglect people and hurt them.
Sometimes this fire sign can seem secretive and selfish, but this is due to their nomadic lifestyle and ability to see the big picture. A Sagittarius is always on a wandering journey, that’s what makes him feel alive. He is in constant search for the best, and you have no right to accuse a person that he longs for a better life.
While a Sagittarius doesn’t have to fundamentally change himself, being aware of this tendency can help him avoid hurting other people or hurting his friends and partners in pursuit of their dreams.