
What You Hate Most About “First Dates” According To Your Sign

On the first dates, we all arrive very excitedly about what can happen with that person that we like so much. From there we will return to reality with the typical high or, on the contrary, somewhat disappointed (or very disappointed). In addition to hope, in those first dates there is always something that we do not want to do, that we do not want to happen, something that we hate, some attitude that we do not want to repeat … If you do not know it already, you may not be aware of it. Do you want to know what you hate the most about first dates according to your sign? Well, keep reading.


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Aries, your sense of justice is so great that the fact that the other pays everything on the first date does not go with you. If the other person is generous and wants to invite, that’s fine with you, because that’s what you will surely do. But you don’t like anything to be taken for granted. The best thing is that each one plays their own, or if the appointment is extended, then invite one first and then the other. In reality, what happens to you is that you like romanticism but you like your independence and individuality more, and everything that is to feel that you have to do what MUST BE DONE because you refuse. The rules should not exist, what you like is that things flow, and the rest will be seen. Even more hidden, you have another secret: don’t let your shyness come out, because you have it and sometimes it plays tricks on you. You hate feeling shy. You hate it.


Taurus, yours on the first date always follows the same pattern. You are romantic by nature so you like face-to-face dates, nothing to know each other forever on the Internet or on the phone. And that they are in a beautiful place, in a pleasant environment, quiet and unhurried. For this reason, what you hate the most about first dates is that the person arrives and that their attitude is different from yours, that they do not relax, that they are in a hurry or that it shows that they want to fill out a form. You don’t like those fast-drinking dates. You like to savor life, and dating too. Come on, quiz-type dates don’t go with you. You hate them and if it weren’t for your education and patience to prevail, you would get up and leave as soon as you realized you were in one of them.


For someone as open as you, Gemini, you can’t stand those dates where nothing seems natural. Suddenly you have in front of a person who seems to be glued to the chair, who answers mechanically, who does not relax … and that gets on your nerves. And when you get on your nerves, something goes wrong. For you, if you have made it to that appointment, it is to move forward with yours. It is no longer just the fooling around on mobile or social networks that serves you … you want to have him in front of him, ask him a thousand questions, and that the other person is equally interested in you. So if what you find is someone who is unnatural, you will feel like you have been deceived, and with doubts as to whether that person in front of you is the real one or the other person you were meeting through other media. Surely you make it clear how you are, and even, with very good words, tell him that you do not want games that make you dizzy or pretend what he is not. And that you can play, of course, you can, but when everything is clearer between you.


Cancer, you are a bit fed up with others seeing you as that sensitive lunatic being with many character changes that you cannot control. Because you are a bit of that, but also a person who is in control of his life, no matter how sentimental it may be. And one of the ways in which that control is clearer is that on the first dates you like to arrive on your own. To be able to go alone if you did not like something about the date or the person you have been with. So yes, you are romantic, but also determined and brave, someone who is not going to let them handle him from the first moment no matter how much you like another person. You will go to your appointment with the greatest illusion in the world, but you don’t have the strength if you need to go home alone on foot, in your car or by public transport, with your date disaster.


Leo, you love dating, everything from the first to the last. But you like to set the rules, manage the times … and that is why what you hate the most about first dates is taking the first step, even if you’re dying to stay. You love the game of persuasion and it seems that with the first date some of that ends. Deep down, you’re looking forward to that first date and moving on, but you like to play out a lot. That’s why you hate that the first date is imposed by the other person before you really want it. You need to be in control, accumulate desire and desire, and create them for the other person. You want him to chase you more, to want you, to die for that date … because that’s exactly what you want. Is it so bad to want to lengthen the persuasion, the game, the flirting, the extreme desire …?


For you Virgo, who has Mercury as the ruling planet, if there is something you do not lack, it is good conversation. Your head is a well of knowledge, of all kinds, that you also know how to transmit with calmness and charisma, in a way that quickly persuades whoever is listening to you. For that reason, and despite the fact that the conversation with you is not going to be absent on that first date, you refuse to be the one who speaks all the time. On the first date (and always) you hate that the other person adopts the passive attitude of listening to you and not saying anything, not talking, not contributing … you also want to see what their knowledge is, their way of seeing life, their opinions on all issues … The perfect balance in the perfect date for you would be an intelligent conversation, which flows without feeling, and in which the two of you know both how to speak and listen to each other. A delight, hey.


For a sociable person like you, Libra, first dates are something else. It is true that you have no problem relating to half humanity on a daily basis, but the first dates impose you. You arrive at them with certain insecurity but because love issues do not control them so much. A first date is to go from fooling around and showing some interest to more affected areas, perhaps at the beginning of a possible relationship, that’s nothing. A whole path of roses and thorns, illusions yes, but also indecisions that create a lot of insecurity. On that first date, you hate being forced to say exactly what you think, what you want … because you don’t know, because you’ll have to think about it, you’ll have to define yourself before saying anything … You hate the pressure that that date means exposing yourself because there you notice that you lose some control,


Scorpio, sometimes, that need of yours to keep your private life under control, and hidden in some way, gives you some problems on a first date. Because it is assumed that after the fooling around, the first date is to move forward, and you, however, want is to meet the other person but you want to do it not showing much of yourself. So you hardly even ask because they don’t ask you. And of course, that imbalance does not give good results. You get so serious that the other person does not know what you feel, nor does they intuit if you are comfortable … Or, to appear less serious you go to the opposite extreme and joke too much, looking too clown, shallow. Precisely the opposite of what you are, because your interior is powerful. In the end, since what you are good at is contact, sensuality can, and maybe you use it to fill in the silences. Well yes, what you hate the most about first dates is that you don’t want to be questioned and taken. You will open up later, right?


Sagittarius, for you the first dates have to help you to get to know the person better. To that person you like, with whom you want to do many things… but for that, you have to know what she is about, what she wants… because you are so clear about what you want that before moving forward you need to be clear if your interests coincide. So, if there is something you hate in those first dates, it is that alcohol sends, that is, that the other person, to gain courage or to make the date more fun, takes the fart of the century and wants you to do the same. Well no, you want to be sober, and also you don’t need alcohol to get brave and talk about everything. What you want to know when leaving the date are many things that interested you. Not knowing that the other person is capable of drinking vodka like a Cossack. By God, you have plenty of that. Just like you have a confused mind that gives you a hangover. Because what you like is to be lucid to value that first date.


Yes, your friends, your family have told you many times … that you are so upfront, so confident, so sincere, that you scare anyone who is not like you. But it is that you, Capricorn, do not conceive of reaching the first date and that it is to make the subject dizzy, talk nonsense, frivolity … For all that you already passed before arriving at that date, when that person liked you, liked you, and you started to fool around. When the first data arrives, for you it is important that it is to move forward, not to continue doing the same thing you have been doing. For that, you don’t waste time. And if you can, you will tell him, although if you do not see it clearly, you will shut up, you will go home thinking it has been a disaster. And with little desire to repeat, because what you want is to find someone and have a relationship, and all the previous steps make you lazy, frustrate you, and they seem artificial in many moments. You are honest, you don’t like to lie, and you want to get straight to the point. And whoever doesn’t like you like that, well better. You don’t want to waste time with someone who doesn’t deserve it. And yes, the first dates and having to make an effort to please take away all the desire, really.


Aquarius, what you hate the most about first dates is that the other person invites you to their house, which at first makes you feel uncomfortable. It seems to you that each one’s home is such an affectionate place that sharing it like that at first is shocking. Maybe it’s that other people are so open and natural that they work like this. You also consider yourself open and natural, but affection is precisely that, affection. And whoever offers it to the first person who passes by, for you shows that they do not care about it and that that special person with anyone will have the same details as you (not to think about the people who have already passed by their house). If to all this is added that the first dates for you always create a lot of pressure, for having to pretend that you are someone normal, instead of being able to be yourself,


Pisces, it’s very clear to you what you hate on your first dates: You hate meeting and going to the movies. When they propose, you almost escape saying: Excuse me? And inside you think: “And be two hours quiet next to each other, without talking, without laughing, without fooling around … by God, that’s the first date!” If everything goes well, you will meet to go see a movie another day, hopefully, many movies if everything goes well. But for your first date you want to look the other person in the eye, smile face to face, talk and see how he moves his hands, check what you have in common … Your romantic cravings want answers, and if you go to the movies, at most you will go home knowing what kind of movies he likes or if he eats popcorn (and even if he makes a lot of noise eating). Well, you can always do a handyman, but come on,


What You Hate Most About "First Dates" According To Your Sign

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