These Zodiac Signs Have The Best Poker Face
Some people are real professionals at keeping their emotions under control and never letting an emotion look at them. With their poker face, these zodiac signs have already achieved a lot in their lives.
These zodiac signs rarely reveal their true feelings:
The lion is a true master at pretending. Because he would never admit in front of strangers if he was feeling bad or if he just wasn’t having a good day. Instead, he simply covers up his true feelings with funny stories and uses his talent as an entertainer to distract from his emotions. Only people who know him really well can see through his poker face. The Leo would never hide his feelings towards you, but talk openly about his fears and wishes. However, this rarely happens.
The Virgo repeatedly criticizes other people, but she is also incredibly strict with herself. She wants to do everything perfectly and not let feelings that could keep her from touching her. This is why the zodiac sign has an incredibly good poker face, especially in professional life. Because the virgin aims high and knows that her emotional world could get in her way. In private life, however, things are very different: she loves to talk to her closest friends about her feelings and is also not afraid of showing herself vulnerable to them.
The Capricorn takes responsibility for everything and everyone. He feels obliged to always stand by his closest friends and family. Although he mostly lets his feelings guide him when making such decisions, he would never show it to the outside world. Because he knows exactly: in order to settle a dispute with family or friends, you have to keep a cool head. That is why he often seems very controlled and distant. As soon as the stress is over, however, the feelings patter on the zodiac sign and he needs a little break from his everyday life before he faces the next challenge again.