
Ranking Of The Most Proudest Signs

Pride makes us get out of many unpleasant situations, but it also puts us in compromise in delicate moments. Being proud is not wrong as long as it doesn’t get out of hand. Because some signs are blinded by pride in such a way that it is impossible to understand with them. So that you keep an eye out and know how to treat each one, we bring you the ranking of the proudest signs of the zodiac.

# 12 Gemini 

Geminis can be smug, they may like to be the center of attention and make friends everywhere but they don’t waste much time feeding their pride. He always has something better to do and he knows that being proud is not going to have many followers, so seeing him in a pride tantrum is not going to be easy. Also, sometimes he feels that he is not worth enough, so Gemini could use a little more to know how special he is and believe it. When he takes out his pride, it is because there is no other way to pull forward, to get out of a situation from which he could not get away if he does not give himself a shot of self-confidence and self-love.

# 11 Pisces

The pride of Pisces takes time to come to light, but in the end we find it when he has no choice but to defend what is his. If you put him in a situation where you question his way of thinking and also Pisces notices that your intentions are not good, he will have to put himself in his place, but before this he will put up with a lot of nonsense. Because sometimes you forget your self-love when you have the person you like. But Pisces is not stupid either, in the end his intuition warns him that it is time to get a little pride even if it hurts. Admitting that they are taking advantage of him is hard, but he will not allow it. If you are a Pisces as soon as you notice something you do not like, put yourself in your place, it is not too late.

# 10 Taurus

Taurus is a calm person until he is challenged, be careful not to boast that you know how to do something better than him, something in his field, and do it repeatedly, because the bull can go out to show you what he is worth. Proud people annoy Taurus because they consider that in order to be proud you have to be worth enough first. So if he notices that you are bragging about something that you are not, and belittling him, he will not hesitate to show you who has the power in that situation. Who is the strong one. Haven’t you realized yet that Taurus doesn’t need to brag about anything? What is worth, it can be seen from afar, and if you make him have to show it to you carefully because you will not be able to see reason with him.

# 9 Virgo

When we talk about being right, Virgo is usually right. And although he does not usually brag about this, it is his weak point of pride. At other times he will be polite and will try to help in any situation. But he knows how things have to be done so don’t try to argue with him what is clear, because then he will lock himself in his pride. If, for example, something is dirty and messy, you won’t be able to discuss it with him, what’s more, he will look at you over his shoulder because he knows that if it were up to him he wouldn’t be so careless. He also has a healthy enough pride to not go after anyone, Virgo does not beg for I love you, and we love that.

# 8 Aquarius 

Your pride is what keeps you from love, it is very difficult to have a relationship with someone who is too proud to accept that they are in love. He is scared as soon as he begins to notice a certain commitment and his pride tells him that he is free and cannot be carried away by anyone. And there he gets in a bad mood or is cold and distant, but it is out of pride, because he considers that he cannot be like the others, that they let themselves be tied. Aquarius has to begin to calm down in these situations, take a moment to analyze well what he feels and if that person deserves to be given an opportunity to be in his life in a more affection way. If you are an Aquarius, stop the bad mood, which is the way you have to take out all that frustration that your pride brings you.

# 7 Libra 

Everything is relative for Libra , if someone messes with him it will be because he is having a bad time, right? Sure there is a reason, he doesn’t really want to hurt him … This is what he always thinks when they try to touch his pride but we know that there are issues with which he loses his mind. Yes, as calm as he may seem in some situations, in others he becomes stubbornly proud. And those others have to do with love. When they really hurt him, proven, as an infidelity, that is where his proud side comes out. Libra will not allow them to deceive him, especially if you have loved that person very much. Your pride will not make you make a scene, but it will annoy the other person as much as possible whenever you get the chance. Because it is good, but they have touched his pride …

# 6 Cancer 

For Cancer, being proud is necessary to protect their own. That he looks accessible but sure of himself and nobody dares to question him. Be careful not to question what it can or cannot do, because Cancer knows perfectly well when you are trying to take away its power and will not hesitate to bring out its proud side. It will make you feel like you are the most evil person in the world, as if you are a puppy abuser if you dare to touch his ego. In addition, Cancer likes to see what he is capable of doing, he is proud of each of his achievements and wants to be recognized.

# 5 Sagittarius

Don’t be fooled by his good humor, because in Sagi his pride is disguised as optimism. He insists on making it seem like everything is fine and that he can get by no matter how bad things happen. There are times when he has to let some people go but his stubbornness does not let him, he insists that they can change, or that he can help them in some way, but no. Sagi put it into your head that this optimistic pride that everything is fine always doesn’t do you any good. They are manipulations that your brain does to you when you don’t want to assume reality, you get trapped there and that does not allow you to move forward.

# 4 Capricorn

His pride is cold as the Himalayan mountains. And just as old. Capri is not going to get into discussion like other signs do. He just knows he’s right and waits for the opportunity to prove it. And if he has to take someone along the way, he does it, without giving it the greatest importance. His is more a vengeful pride, waiting for the right moment to go on stage. He is hard with people who have not respected him, he closes himself to what those people may feel and thus can hit them in all the face when he finds the moment. He injects them with his own medicine. But it is a very selective revenge, why? Because he knows that there are people who are worth so little that he can’t even pay attention to their attacks. There he just looks down at them, his gaze frozen, and goes on his way.

# 3 Aries 

Pride is not lacking, what’s more, sometimes he has a little left over. Everything has to be a crusade for him, and a tribute to his ego. For any problem that arises, you take out the artillery, you take everything personally. Perhaps someone criticizes something about his work, and Aries feels that he is criticizing him, he turns on asking for explanations and that the other person withdraws what he has said without stopping to think that he may have some reason. At least it’s not an outburst that lasts long or is very vindictive, and he also doesn’t like people to realize that they have hurt him. So the proud Aries is not so scary, except at that moment when he loses his role even for a few minutes.

# 2 Scorpio

Everything was going very well until you touched Scorpio’s pride. It was inevitable because everything takes it personal. Wanting to be the best, and improving yourself is great, but there are times when you spend all your energy on things that are not worth it, in stupid battles that do not go or come and just because they have touched your pride. Worst? Who loses important people and who are worth it just for winning. It separates them, as if they did not exist, and not for a few days, but for a lifetime. You do not know what you lose by doing that, many times through arguments in which the only thing the other person has done is put the cards on the table, but Scorpio is too proud to admit that he has done something wrong. If you are a Scorpio, the next time you notice how pride inflames you, ask yourself how far you want to go and if it is worth losing someone.

# 1 Leo

At number 1, the proudest sign is undoubtedly Leo. When his proud vein pops out, Leo rampages, it looks like a fire that doesn’t care what lies ahead. Leo does not touch his own, that no one doubts what it is worth, because it can destroy whoever happens to be against him. Pride blinds you, makes you say things that you don’t really think and that do a lot of damage. And the worst thing is that later you don’t even remember, he was so turned on that he didn’t even notice the half that came out of his mouth. What happens is that the rest of us do remember what he said and we may not speak to him again. You can be all the reason you want, but the forms are important, especially since Leo attacks the jugular, and that can cause people to avoid him at certain times.


Ranking Of The Most Proudest Signs

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