How Long Does It Take For The Signs To Raise Their Heads After A Breakup?
There are sighs that hit your soul, the kind that no matter how hard you try to hold on to the air, it’s not enough. Of those who appear when it is time to let go of a love, they say that it will heal, that sooner or later joy will return to your heart. But few talk about the process, how long does it take for the signs to raise their heads after a sentimental breakup? I know you feel hurt, angry, sad, and betrayed. I know that it is not easy and that you would like to return, but trust, please trust…
1.- Aries
Aries, I know that time is ticking, that you hear a tick-tock as if you were falling behind. You love from the depths of your being, but it is difficult for you to face the duel, how do you process the anguish? Saying goodbye to that person who shared your risks, your desire to live, and who held your hand in the worst spells, is very painful. You prefer to keep busy, with one activity or another that clouds your thoughts. You don’t give yourself time to cry and that can make your heart feel worse later. You are one of those who cry for a few days and then pretend nothing happened, that’s fine, but also let your emotions flow, don’t keep anything to yourself.
2.- Taurus
Taurus is a sign that does not understand the reasons why they fall in love, feelings make them forget everything and they like to build strong relationships, the kind that makes their hopeless romantic take control. Taurus opens up so much mentally and emotionally that when it’s time to say goodbye he leaves with dignity, but he has a hard time getting over it. It can take up to three years for that wound to finally heal. Taurus does not need to go jumping from love to love, they simply want to close the cycle to start again it is not that she is not strong, on the contrary, she is so strong that she has the courage to face the breakup without someone else.
3.- Gemini
Time heals everything… for Geminis that doesn’t make much sense. And it is that it is the sign that lives today, it does not feel like planning an uncertain future, it can fall apart at the moment of the break, it depends on how long the relationship has been and also what they came to share. Gemini does not show his vulnerable side to all of his partners, the special ones are much more difficult for him. The same thing says goodbye in a week or in a couple of months, depending on the love that he has given you. It may not make sense to anything at first, but in the end, it is an independent sign, you just have to let it flow and allow life to put each piece in its place.
4.- Cancer
Cancer is the sign that pretends nothing is wrong, the one that pretends that everything is fine, but its look screams desperate sadness. He is the one who prefers to cry in silence after love because it really falls apart, no matter which of the two decided to put an end to it, he is too emotional to deal with breakups. Cancer can take up to five years to resume relationships, he cannot trust again so quickly. He really needs to embrace mourning, to feel that there is nothing left, that this person is no longer part of his thoughts, his sighs, his dreams. Cancer can live in anguish for a long time, but he will not stop doing what he likes.
5.- Leo
Leo is the proud one of the zodiac, who finds it hard to accept that the tears are running down his face and that this feeling of emptiness in his chest does not allow him to breathe as usual. Leo is a self-assured sign, but when he gets his heart broken, it’s like he becomes a totally different person. A break for Leo is realizing that he invested too much in a person who wasn’t worth it because at the time he doesn’t realize that it was the best and that life still has surprises for him. The good news is that he’s so strong, that he can decide that he won’t cry anymore overnight, he rips the page out without a trace.
6. Virgo
Virgo falls in love with desire as if there really was no possibility that everything would end. He bets on love, and although he is not the most romantic of the zodiac, he does believe in happy endings. However, when the break occurs, he simply does not have time for a sea of tears, he gives himself a month and that’s it. Virgo has very high expectations, he is so planning that he is able to make a strategy to get that person out of his mind and his heart. He focuses on his priorities, he would rather get involved in a lot of responsibilities than suffer. Virgo is the one who decides to say goodbye without suffering, for what?
7.- Libra
Such a romantic sign, so deep, so emotional. Wow, it sounds complicated to imagine the way in which Libra says goodbye to love and, it is that when she relates, she does so without a single filter, she is the one who shares fears, joys, hopes, she is the one who is not afraid to love unconditionally. So when the time comes to break up, she can have a hard time, she needs support and her friends become the most beautiful refuge. She stays with the people who are not afraid to see her cry, who is capable of watching over her dreams, and who remind her that she is a beautiful being, who deserves much more than to suffer for weeks for the farewell of love.
8.- Scorpio
Healing the heart of a Scorpio is complicated. It is the sign that gives intensity to each love, each hug, and caress, it is the one who remembers everything. Scorpio is an expert at digging into the past and when he relives it, everything costs him too much. He is one of those who cries his heart out for a week, the time necessary to walk in his pajamas, eat everything that comes his way, and then turn the page. Scorpio is accompanied by friends in mourning and when the reckless side of him appears he is capable of even throwing that person’s things out the window. He doesn’t play games when someone’s heart has to be taken out.
9.- Sagittarius
Did someone say breakup? Please, Sagittarius is the sign that does not have time to get hooked on unfinished love. In fact, you usually have a hard time dealing with commitment and any other type of tether. That does not mean that they walk as if they do not have feelings, simply that they do not want to let life go through something that is not worth it. Yes, Sagittarius is going to take a couple of hours until he is unrecognizable from crying, but then he will analyze the situation and he will understand that no one has to be forced to be with another person, that is when he understands that heartbreaks, but there is nothing left but to lift the pieces with guts.
10.- Capricorn
Capricorn is such a noble and supportive type of partner, that he always puts himself after the person he loves. He is the one who delivers everything, he dreams of something real, of those stable loves that become your best company. That is the reason why they are so selective and do not allow just anyone into their heart. However, when the break occurs, it takes a couple of months for him to return to normal because he needs to analyze everything in detail and finally let go. It is the sign that wants every last answer to feeling at peace. Capricorn takes refuge in those he loves the most during the process.
11.- Aquarius
Do not be fooled by appearances, although many think that Aquarius is the cold of the zodiac, it is one of the people who find it hardest to say goodbye when the relationship no longer works. The reason is very simple, he doesn’t let anyone know his weaknesses and when he finds someone and leaves he can sink into depression. He needs more than a couple of days, sometimes up to a year. Aquarius may flirt again, but he’s not going to let anyone into his deepest emotions for a long time. Just because you don’t see him cry, doesn’t mean he isn’t going through a tough duel.
12.- Pisces
Pisces is the sign that prefers a thousand times to remain alone, rather than go looking for someone else, to say goodbye to love. It is really hard for him to get over a breakup, because he is very dedicated, once he trusts, he shows the most tender, loving, and intense side of him. Pisces can take goodbye seriously, but inside his heart creaks, and it can take years for him to trust someone else again. During that time he becomes more reserved, he doesn’t want anyone to know his weaknesses, and he doesn’t want to give the strength to a new love to sink him overnight. Pisces is too good for all the evil in this world.