
Eyes Of Envy: Unmasking The Green-Eyed Monster In The Zodiac

Green-Eyed Monster In The Zodiac

Eyes Of Envy: Unmasking The Green-Eyed Monster In The Zodiac

Envy is a feeling of sadness and anger caused by the feeling of not having what another person has. They can be material goods or even personal characteristics. All of us at some point in our lives can experience this feeling to a greater or lesser extent. But that is where we can differentiate what we call healthy envy from unhealthy envy. Healthy envy can even serve as a stimulant to propose certain things to us, it can even resemble admiration. But when this is out of the ordinary and becomes a harmful feeling, you must work on it to cure unhealthy envy. In the zodiac, each sign shows its positive and negative way of experiencing this very natural feeling that we can all free ourselves from. Then we’ll see envy in the signs of the zodiac, how they process this feeling, and what things they want. Do you want to know more?


As fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are the most passionate of the zodiac and therefore see life from a slightly different perspective than the rest. We can say that they are the most ambitious and perhaps that is why at some point in their lives they may feel envy of those who have what they want with all their might. Now, quite the contrary, they are not greedy at all, and what is more, they do not get more possessions and wealth because their generosity makes them give everything they have to others.

These signs are always looking for something new, something that allows them to improve their quality of life and that of their loved ones. They covet power and the recognition of their talents to the point of becoming obsessive with what they want to achieve… They are saved by the positive attitude and optimism that they almost always show, when they do not achieve their goals they give up, but not for long because The signs of fire have a brutal force that always makes them recover


These natives are the most intellectual of the zodiac and therefore see reality from a very particular point of view. Unconventional, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius want to learn and experience through people and human relationships. As they are very creative and hate routine, they seek to have fun with everything they do, so if they envy something or what they yearn for more than envy, it is always being able to be themselves in any circumstance or situation.

The air signs get depressed and mistakenly compare themselves with others because for them there is no worse obsession than knowing that they are intelligent and not being able to get what they want. Sometimes they can be quite critical, but in their favor, they will have that special way of relating to others from whom they will also be willing to learn everything they can… Well done!


The water signs are the most emotional of the zodiac, they let themselves be carried away by their hearts at all times and that is why they are affectionate and sensitive… Although they do not give the appearance of it, they are also ambitious people who do not stop when they set certain goals or projects. until you get the desired results. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces like fantasy and illusion, as well as giving their loved ones the protection and warmth they consider they need. These individuals mix sensitivity with amazing strength.

If these signs can envy something, it is a good job, the talent of someone who stands out, the ideal partner, or anything important to them that they consider they have not achieved… Be careful! To reach this feeling they must first feel frustration or a very great internal pain that makes them see everything in a pessimistic and negative way towards others and towards themselves. The signs belonging to the water sign must work on this aspect in order to feel satisfied with what they are more than for what they have. Watch out for the data!


Earth signs are the most rational and stable of the zodiac. When they pursue an objective, they do it from a simple point of view and are no less intelligent or profitable when it comes to business. A cozy home, a good job, and being surrounded by people who love them and who they love is the greatest desire of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These are really the objectives of these three signs, money to be able to cover needs and the occasional whim, love to feel stable on an emotional level, and friends to be able to share good ones. And also why not, bad times?

Their ambitions are always of a material nature, which is why they sometimes envy the results of others. After all, comfort, free time, and being able to live in peace are what they most want. When they do not achieve their objectives, they become apathetic and somewhat cold. Fortunately, the strength and perseverance that characterizes them makes them react on time and they realize that they can easily achieve what they set out to do… thank goodness!

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